Stop in for a cup of coffee

A few from my phone. The last one is a pizza from a few weeks ago. I aparently need a Peel.






We had chicken on the grill
Cheryl is at her mom's tonight through tomorrow. Today, I bought a half ham and cheese sandwich for lunch.
I ate half of the half at lunch and the other half of the half for dinner. Boring I know.
I will say around here it depends on the pizza place. I can still find some mom and pop shops that have a plain for $12 for a large.
We have a place her $14 for a sausage and mushroom on cauliflower thin crust...yum!!
It's true though... and I'm not in Big Block world. Ask Scott about that.

Although, real SS Chevelle stuff is stupid as well. I found a gauge cluster for my Brother and it wasn't inexpensive
I think every brand has their special expensive car and parts. Car prices and parts are still at crazy prices.