Stop in for a cup of coffee

Great thought

I think this is as close as you get!
Morning, cold her this morning but warming up this afternoon. Lots of talk about wood in here today.
We are short 2 ushers today. This will be fun! 6 sections + the balcony. Only 5 of us today.

<~~~~~~~~~~~~` needs to get a cell with better capabilities. new addition to the derelicts this am. '53 GM sedan of unknown variety, chopped top, lowered, stretched to 6 door sedan length, GM big block with tunnel ram and carbs through the roof where the back seat once existed. judging from engine placement, trans linked directly to an IRS of some variety, he could see the tops of the coil-overs from the open trunk lid. no paint, no primer, no rust, bare metal.
80 mile trip done. Took the pup to meet the pet sitter. Need someone to look after Ocean when we go for our cruise.
Kind of just doing my usual thing today. But my tenant called me last week and said that the gas log fireplace wasn't working right and the fan in the family room wasn't right. So today before football. Actually an hour after it started, I repaired the gas log fireplace so it works properly, and I had already purchased a new fan for that room. So spent about an hour and a half taking care of that, before I went for BEER. :thumbsup:
Kind of just doing my usual thing today. But my tenant called me last week and said that the gas log fireplace wasn't working right and the fan in the family room wasn't right. So today before football. Actually an hour after it started, I repaired the gas log fireplace so it works properly, and I had already purchased a new fan for that room. So spent about an hour and a half taking care of that, before I went for BEER. :thumbsup:
Whiskey Mitch, takes less and still be able to have a good dinner.