Stop in for a cup of coffee

Be safe out there.. wear a hat

frodee tin foil.jpg
My internet has been out since Friday midnight, just got it back yesterday...

Just a quick fly-by hoping you all are ok and staying warm...
Been fighting this cam cold since last Friday.... Almost went to hospital on Monday, but slowly getting better...

Luckily I saved some antibiotics my doc prescribed for me last fall and started them Saturday, they are starting to kick in... However they are to be taken every other day...

Today will be my third one...
I was interviewed by the local news radio station last Friday because they notice that I call in alot of traffic issues...

They lady called me and edited the interview and it was played on the air... They had more than one edit, but I only caught one of them...

I called in that day to report a snow plow that was stuck in the median of one of our highways...