Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wow, 40-45 mph wind today. The neighbor's recycling will be all over the neighborhood again.
Yes Virginia they made everything

Makes you p faster I guess?
Hey if any one needs a new 1969 ign switch Mobile parts had some manufactured. Had no idea till I talked with him.
very nice... i kinda wish i had done that.. i didn't wanna run the wire under the car and didn't even think bout inside
I did my 66 that way even when I ran my /6 , I also have a kill switch hid in the fresh air door on the driver's side, just a security thing. I will snap a few pictures of it all, works great for me.
Anyone hear from Karl?
Yes, heard from him Saturday, 4/20 hello
I did my 66 that way even when I ran my /6 , I also have a kill switch hid in the fresh air door on the driver's side, just a security thing. I will snap a few pictures of it all, works great for me.

Yes, heard from him Saturday, 4/20 hello
I need to add a shutoff for the battery..

Challenge is the trunk latch is electric release... with no key access
I have one in the tail panel that uses a special removable key. That would work for you.
You can put it say on the bottom of the spare tire well somewhere you can get access. Good anti theft also. Mine is in the middle of the "O" on the tail panel. You can't even see it unless you are looking for it.