Stranger Slaps Baby

That dude is definitely mentally disturbed, and he's lucky nobody with half a set of balls was in the immediate area at the time.

And the Mom to forgive him?

She's smokin crack.
the old man screwed up. no telling what he,s been thru,lost or whats bothering him. He should have slapped the bi**h that takes her kids out in public without maintaining control of them. Maybe then she would have slapped him back as she should have done. **** happens everyday and people try to get rich off the littlest ****. I know the way the news exaggerates the stories to make news everyone thinks its like the guy beat the kid down but you werent there. I know all you bad a$$es say this and that but if it was my kid and someone slapped them enough to hurt them my wife would have bi**h slapped them so hard their whole famuilies cheek would be stinging. Furthermore what parent keeps their kid in a dangerous situation? a poor parent. May have been why the brat was screaming.
I wish he`d come and slap my kids they need it
LOL. Plenty of 10-12 year-olds could benefit from a scary loser going upside their head at Wallyworld.:spiderma: Give them something to think about. 2 year-olds not so much.
You mean this guy? LOL

He is the new head of security at Wal-Mart. That place will be like the library now! And shoplifting cases will disappear.

If you see this guy in Wal-Mart, walk away. LOL

Why is this here ? Why hasn't it moved to the political forum where it belongs?
Face reality look at crime stats from the 60's before those idiots at U.C Berkley{probably spelled wrong} told us they were going to prove spanking children was wrong and the stats from today . Well after 50,000 yes 50,000 test subjects {1000 each age from newborn-25 with the 25 year olds being dropped and a new batch of 1000 newborns added every year=25,000 initial subjects +1000 new subjects a year for 25 years = 50,000}and 25 years of a 50 year study they quietly canceled the study in 1997 check the results and you will see who the real child abusers are - parents who don't spank they're kids and doom them to a life of lower income , criminal records { including staggering repeat offender stats }and failed marriages the numbers don't lie and they will blow you away just how dramatic the differences are so you lefty socialist's can put the truth in your pipes and smoke that , oh and don't comment on this till you have done your homework and read the synopsis I accept ignorance is bliss and some people in this world are in pure heaven
P.S. nobody but nobody should hit a 2 year old anywhere other than the padded space provided by god, and nobody should have to spank your kids for you
Why is this here ? Why hasn't it moved to the political forum where it belongs?
Face reality look at crime stats from the 60's before those idiots at U.C Berkley{probably spelled wrong} told us they were going to prove spanking children was wrong and the stats from today . Well after 50,000 yes 50,000 test subjects {1000 each age from newborn-25 with the 25 year olds being dropped and a new batch of 1000 newborns added every year=25,000 initial subjects +1000 new subjects a year for 25 years = 50,000}and 25 years of a 50 year study they quietly canceled the study in 1997 check the results and you will see who the real child abusers are - parents who don't spank they're kids and doom them to a life of lower income , criminal records { including staggering repeat offender stats }and failed marriages the numbers don't lie and they will blow you away just how dramatic the differences are so you lefty socialist's can put the truth in your pipes and smoke that , oh and don't comment on this till you have done your homework and read the synopsis I accept ignorance is bliss and some people in this world are in pure heaven
P.S. nobody but nobody should hit a 2 year old anywhere other than the padded space provided by god, and nobody should have to spank your kids for you
Well gosh, my dear old lefty mom beat the hell out of us, and I can't say I appreciated it much. She also taught us manners, and to do right (just not right-wing).
If the bastard would have touched one of mine... he'd be eating baby food for the rest of his life, 'cause I'd knock his teeth down his throat.:axe:

Natures most dangerous animal is a mother protecting her baby.
Hmmm, the beginning of a trend??

CINCINNATI — A woman took a stranger's toddler son over her knee and spanked him three times inside a Salvation Army store after he said something that annoyed her, police said Wednesday.

Jones said her son got spanked after Ballard told her she should make him behave.

"She was basically trying to tell me what to do with my son," Jones told WLWT-TV. She told Ballard she would handle her own business and son. Then, she said, Ballard took Sean from her and spanked him, causing him to cry.

"I was shocked," Jones told WCPO-TV on Wednesday.

Ballard, 43, faces a charge that carries a maximum sentence of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. She said she is a mother and grandmother who was just trying to help.

"And I got this," Ballard said, while holding a paper that described the charge.
I will say right now, being a father of a 3 year old.....if something like that happened and I was present....I would have beat the crap out of the guy ( old man or not) and if I was not present at the me, I would be in under 10 minutes and i would still beat the crap out of him lol.

I will say that the mother should have caught the point that the guy was a threat when he made the comment he did and she should have walked away and got a manager or something and let them know there was a threat made against a child rather then keep themself and there child in harms way.

I see alot of you are blaming the parent for not being able to control there child...and although I do agreee that there parent obviously was not doing things the right way and did not do what was needed to keep control of there child........
I do still have to I said before, I am a father of a 3 year old and and when there toddlers they like to throw fits over some of the smallest things.....I will not hurt my child but at the same time I am not going to let them win me over and up and leave a store and get none of my shopping done because they decided they wanted to throw a temper tantrum.

What I do is polite to others and a effective way of doing things.....I simply hold my son by the hand and either walk to a corner or isle of a store where no one is or go to a bathroom and calmly explain that the tantrum needs to stop and that they are getting nowhere by throwing a fit....pretty much " if I said you could not have the toy before, what makes you think that throwing a fit over it is bettering your chances).

And I try to talk calmly and....for me anyways...alot of the time I can change the subject and make some jokes or tickle or something and get a laugh or two and in a minute or so...they forget all about throwing a fit a couple minutes prior to that lol.

anyways....the man was not right for doing what he did and the mother was not right for leaving and telling someone what was said and she was not right for doing what was needed to calm her child down.
I would like to tell you guys it gets easier as it gets older but it don't. Yeah their behavior is bad for several years and then it changes. You are like wow this isn't so bad. Then 13 hits and it all goes down here from one minute. One second they love you and then the next second they hate and or telling you what a horrible parent you are. My son is 19, on his own, and he is still acting this way. I want to know when does it end. I never treated my mom like this. I knew better. I knew what was waiting for me when my dad comes home. Believe me I was scared of a 6'2", 200 pound man who had been wrestiling horses all day. Children's behaviors and the way parents raise them has changed so much. I see it every day at school. Although the other day a child in my room got in trouble for hitting a staff member. His punishment clean his mom's kitchen floor with a toothbrush. UMMMM!!!!
a stranger shouldnt have done that ( i feel like slapping an obnoxious kid every once in a while but i refrain) however i think that parents do need to spank their kinds every once in a while. my mom and dad used to do it to me and my siblings and were fine and we always behaved (pretty much) my mom also used to do the old wash your mouth out with soap thing and we rarely spke a bad word (in front of her)