Street outlaws

Lol! No matter, it'll end up with a Chevy motor! I still like the show. That new motor in the Farm truck is sick!
I noticed that duster, hopefully it makes it onto the show. Yea that farm truck is pretty sick.
The guy running the '67 Dart, the Dominator, has a bbc in it. I'm glad he lost.
if I heard them correctly, the Dart and Farmtruck are both running 632 BBCs.
if I heard them correctly, the Dart and Farmtruck are both running 632 BBCs.

Yep! That farm truck has got to be fun as hell on the street! I've had some fugly sleepers back in the day, but nothing like
he only lost because he ran out of gas? Seriously, you couldn't see or smell the race gas. Its either staged, or they really are, as they say in the dialog.
he only lost because he ran out of gas? Seriously, you couldn't see or smell the race gas. Its either staged, or they really are, as they say in the dialog.

A lot of it's staged. They do race on the streets in real life though. They just add drama for the show.
Just saw my first episode of it last night. I was rooting for Dominator until you guys said that it's runnin a BBC! Boo!
If they could keep it strictly on the racing that might be all right, but a half hour of drama bull$hit and macho call outs leading up to the action makes it intolerable for me to watch. After following the thread a couple years back from the owner of the Dart on Bull Run, my money's on the bet that every one of those so-called "reality" shows is completely staged.
I like the show. And of coarse it's staged. Do you really think they could close down a street and set up a bunch of portable light towers without the cops showing up?
I'd rather watch a show about fast cars then some BS talk show.
Cars are real.the other is bs.My old car ran in the low to mid 5's and I couldn't hang with them