Street Racing' Prank

Whadda loada **** that is! Cop didn't see nothing BUT still pulled the 2 over in the beginning? Just hearing isn't "enough" cause to pull anyone over for "speeding" there was none!
When I was in college, I got a speeding ticket because the cop heard me leave a stop sign in my 408 Duster. The car was loud, but I was not speeding. He claimed that he "bumper paced" me. The kicker is there was a car between us... Had I not been an 18 year old kid, I'd have fought that one.
Whadda loada **** that is! Cop didn't see nothing BUT still pulled the 2 over in the beginning? Just hearing isn't "enough" cause to pull anyone over for "speeding" there was none!

Kinda the same way with some of the city boys that come out here to deer hunt in the fall.

They didn't SEE a deer but they HEARD a deer. I have actually been told on more than one occasion, "I had a couple of sound shots". #-o
I think most cops are the son has been pulled over a couple times not for something he has done but they figured they would find something...what they find is a polite kid whose documentation is up to date and nothing illegal in the almost 19, he still doesn't drink alcohol..
I don't find this video funny or entertaining. There are PLENTY of laws the cops can get you for by being less than inventive. In some places "exhibition of speed" is anything the cop says it is, including just revving your engine a bit when pulling away, even in neutral. Certainly standing in the road with a flag as the trailer suggests is disrupting traffic.

And if people do this enough, it simply biases the cops "those stupid kids" are "at it again."

'S far's I'm concerned this street race "entertainment" TV show is the same. Gives car guys a bad name.

My first car was a beat up 57 Chev. This was in 66. Two of my friends ALSO had 57s. "We" discovered, due to the bad front shocks, LOL, that you could roll up (after much practice) to a stop sign and at the exact proper time just before stopping, if you "jabbed" the brakes just right this would cause the following.............

1........rolll slowly up to the stop just right, jab the brakes........

2......The suspension compresses from the nose dive the car makes on braking.....

3.....Then at the right moment release the brakes.......

4......The suspension releases, causing the car to roll BACKWARDS

So the effect if you just glance, that the car is ROLLING at the stop sign. Now, LEGALLY it HAD to stop because it CHANGED DIRECTIONS

Know what? Ready? The cops were NOT AMUSED

I thought it was pretty funny myself
Cops could`nt tell that they were not raceing by how slow they were taking off?
You can tell when your a grouchy old man when......
The chick with the flag is no more disruptive to traffic than the asshats who walk diagonally while crossing the street.