Stupid Terrorists

Thanks Sport 360 I got to the "keepin it clean" section and forgot what I was looking for. Great way to start my day. By the way, what day is it?
For me there's nothing funny about terrorists. Just my opinion, not judging anyone, everyone has a right to their own sense of humor.
For me there's nothing funny about terrorists. Just my opinion, not judging anyone, everyone has a right to their own sense of humor.

I get what you're saying and perhaps you're right, maybe it's because I make my living dealing with them I need to make light of it. My family has also been affected greatly when my nephew's tank hit an IUD in Afganistan. Luckly he survived, but he'll will be a changed young man for the rest of his life.

I like to put them down to a level they deserve to be. True scum of our earth.
Hey Bad;most people would not see that as a problem-just sympathy for the guy in the middle.If that thing went off- no need to look for survivors!!!!
For me there's nothing funny about terrorists. Just my opinion, not judging anyone, everyone has a right to their own sense of humor.

I have the highest respect and gratitude for anyone who protects us against terrorists. I am in no position to criticize especially if this kind of humor is helpful. I just find terrorists so dispicable for what they do and have done. I really wish I had not hijacked this thread, I'm sorry.