
Inkjunkie... Being honest with his wife and giving her a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen with, is all that anyone can do for anyone who has lost a loved one whatever the circumstance they left this world. It may take awhile but as time allows some of the hurt to fade and people have the time to reflect, then is when its most important to be a good listener with a open mind and a open heart...
My condolences to you on the loss of a friend and co-worker, and onto his wife for the loss of her spouse...
The above article is disturbing...Rod & I had several discussions over the years about suicide. When I told him that at one point I had a loaded .357 in my mouth & pulled the trigger (so thankful now that it misfired) he did speak to me for a few weeks. At one point we did admit to me that on more than one occasion he did look at his 1911 and think about it. Rod, as long as I have known him, was not a very happy guy. He had at least 2 affairs that I know of, yet would not leave his wife because of financial issues. At one point he was getting wheeled out of work in a wheelchair at least once every other week. I am happy for him that he is finally pain free, but very shocked that he killed himself. Pain is indeed an evil thing. The only thing any med, whether it be pot, oxy or anything else does is treat the symptoms, not the problem. It is a shame when we get to a point that without the pain meds just doing the day to day things that life demands become very difficult. I am to that point now, if my doc were to stop the pain meds I would be screwed. I did find an email address to contact his wife at. Not sure what I am going to say as she was one of my supervisors for a while and was at one of the darkest times in my life and we bumped heads more times than I care to tell. I talked to my wife about this & she said she would take care of it. I am going to try and send her my well wishes as well, just don't know what to say.......

Those pain pills can cause pain, its when you get depended on them and when you don't take enough, you start feeling withdraw pains.

You can not stop but you can try to cut back. I found cutting the pills helps, still taken them as often but a smaller dose--even just a little bit to start, a 1/16 slice off each pill, then in a few weeks, a 1/8 of the pill you cut off.

But I was hook on the feeling, not so much the pain--well yeah, pain from being 32 and not 18 anymore.


As for what to say, ah I never though about it. If an ex killed herself, I would be lost for words.

I know today when a young person kills themselves many blame the bullies at school. My view is its trying to pass the buck, blame the other person.

I got teased at school at times but I never thought of killing myself cause of it. I try to stay away from those kids and once out of sight they were out of my thoughts. I had a cool moped back when they first were coming out and few kids had them, late 70's. Once during lunch me and my buddy thought we go to the local store and were pulling out of the parking lot when a county sheriff spotted us--riding double was illegal and so with being off school grounds at lunch time. I scream for him to get off and I go fleeing at 25 mph, ha ha.

There was ditch I went down on and got to the sidewalk, some chicks had to run off the walk and I got away, locked it up and stayed put--the school narks handle it, I never got in trouble for it but one of the school bullies pin me against the wall and was screaming how I almost hit these gals. He acted so tough, like he really cared, lol he never liked me much and that was his excuse to play tough guy. He did hit me once or twice, nothing much.

Today all of that is big time crimes for high schoolers, me for fleeing and him for bullying. Bullying is now a crime in Michigan.

Don't know I really agree with it. Then what is next, no more break ups cause that might cause suicide ? Once a couple you only can break it off if both agree to, lol

People need to take more responsibility for their actions. I never complained once about that guy bullying me and it when on for a while, weeks, each time he seen me. The narks did had a word with me about me fleeing the cop and the one cool nark guy said we told the cop we have a talk with you to keep him cool, that I need to think more and my butt could had been in big trouble if the cop wasn't cool and backed off--that only 4--5 kids had mopeds and I'm the only one with a red moped. ha ha.

No I never thought of killing myself--well I think said it long ago but never thought of doing it. I got no idea what to say to the family, I likely say the wrong things, so best I say little as poss
Truly sorry to hear this Doug. I know all too well what an evil beast pain is. I'm quite a bit better after my neck surgery but the low back is worse than ever.
I can understand why it can happen. I was injured in a serious ski accident in 1969 when i was 21. I have had four back operations (rods,fusion). I live in constant unbearable pain and narcotics
make me very sick. Maybe a good thing because in march it will be
43 yrs and i know that i would have been hooked by now. Drs can't help because the nerves inside my spine are bare and clumped together and they will not operate again.
I have had a income tax business since 1972 and this year i don't
see how how i can work but i have to so somehow i will.
I have come close a few times but i love my wife and daughters
and i know what it would to them. I never compleatly give up
because i have seen god heal and i know it can happen.
If you have good health,be thankful, i don't have a lot of money
but if i was given a choice of healing or a billion dollars i would take healing.
I can understand why it can happen. I was injured in a serious ski accident in 1969 when i was 21. I have had four back operations (rods,fusion). I live in constant unbearable pain and narcotics
make me very sick. Maybe a good thing because in march it will be
43 yrs and i know that i would have been hooked by now. Drs can't help because the nerves inside my spine are bare and clumped together and they will not operate again.
I have had a income tax business since 1972 and this year i don't
see how how i can work but i have to so somehow i will.
I have come close a few times but i love my wife and daughters
and i know what it would to them. I never compleatly give up
because i have seen god heal and i know it can happen.
If you have good health,be thankful, i don't have a lot of money
but if i was given a choice of healing or a billion dollars i would take healing.

Very touching.
And also so true.
Good luck, and keep the faith.
Just recieved another email. Another former co-worker has passed away. She was 42 years young and had MS.
My condolences. It happened with a good friend of mine about about 16 years never get over it.
It seems like death is coming on strong in 2012. At least they are all out of pain now.
Very true. Last I heard of Kim she was on a very slow downard spiral. From what I have heard she was bed ridden for the last 8 months or so. I was friends with her husband Chuck. He was (is?) a Postal Employee as well. He had the misfortune of getting his foot caught in a hydraulic dock leveler. In the last 18 months I was at the PO he was only at there for a few weeks. I have heard he has not been there since I left in 08. And with the way the PO is head hunting anyone with an on the job injury it will only be a matter of time before he is on the outside looking in, if he is not already. He has a couple of younger children & his ex-wife took off to places unknown, hope he survives this.....