T-5 lights...



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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What an absolute pain in the arse these things can be. Put 3 up in the bay I use for work. Had 0 troubles with them until I built my smoker under them. Now on all 3 of them the rear most bulb is out. Swapped bulbs, they worked. Seems like they need to be twisted to just the right spot to work. Got them all working. Went out the next day...sonovabeach...the rear bulbs were out again. Climbed back up the ladder...twisted them all a bit and they lit...
I've got 1 or 2 T5 fixtures, and one or two T8 fixtures. I'll not buy any more. They don't start in the cold like I was led to believe.

For me, I've decided to "just go" (for now) with 100W equivalent LED screw ins and just install more sockets if I need more light. HD had a (I think?) 300W LED equivalent, but it cost as much as 3 100W LEDs and of course if it blows you are out the whole deal.

I have a couple of 4' LED complete fixtures, but did not seem to me they were "bang for buck" and I bet not repairable.

This may change if LED "other" gets cheaper, but for now, "that is the plan."
I've got 12 T-8 bulbs in my garage, 2 4-bulb fixtures and 2 2-bulb fixtures ... no lights out yet, takes a few when it's cold out but not that long that it bothers me ... maybe your fixture is the problem ?