


barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
I got drunk last night and did my own taxes.......

yep! i'm getting back 4.3 million $$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!! ya hooooooooo
Lol amazing what a few zeros can do for you.
Dirty filthy rotten stinking piece of crap *** bastard taxes. If only all my tax dollars went to something good..
Dirty filthy rotten stinking piece of crap *** bastard taxes. If only all my tax dollars went to something good..

If only "any" of mine went to something good. The only solace I find is that since I'm military RET. (which also gets taxed) It makes me feel like I'm paying some of my own benefits to myself. Yipeee!
If only "any" of mine went to something good. The only solace I find is that since I'm military RET. (which also gets taxed) It makes me feel like I'm paying some of my own benefits to myself. Yipeee!

sorta like social security??? started working after school during h s years, and ever since. so now I work oart time seasonal.... still pay social security out of that little piddly check. ( after I buy fuel for the 65 mi trip! LOL)....... so like you, I feel like I kinda help pay my ss check! and yes I know I do!

just waiting for the govn't to reduce it to help pay off the budget our idiot politicians and crooks ran up to how many trillion???? ( what comes after rillions?????) LOL

squirrel perlou, greens, and b b Q ed possum, moon pie for dessert!?????? Missouri old folks country menu!?????? LOL
Gotta admit theres a certain Irony when someone who spends there entire adult life suckling at the teet of the taxpayer complains about paying taxes .
How else are Odumbo and Chewbacka going to tour the socialist countries of the world, and the dictatorships.