The Dart was just on FIRE!!!!



5.9 Magnum 4 speed afficionado
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
So I have been cooped up all winter working on the dart in a single stall garage. Today the temp reached a whopping 35 deg. Since I had plumbed for a new temp gauge there was coolant all over the intake. I saw an opportunity to back the dart out of the garage and dump a 5 gal pail of water to clean the mess. I had just installed a new dual feed line last night..... The car hasn't been running since the vikes beat the pack so starting it took forever. Got it going enough to sputter and pop out of the garage and hold an idle. As soon as I got out of the car I noticed a small drip coming from the freshly installed dual feed line. I had the wrenches on the radiator from last night so I left the car running to give a quick tighten. :pale::pale: The 6 AN fitting was stripped out and I couldn't shut the car off fast enough. My girlfriend started screaming I grabbed the 5 gal pail of water and the fire spread all over. I ran out of water and it was still on fire. I started pulling water from the bottom of the intake and throwing flames till it went out.

Fire ext will be in the car in the am. holy crap my heart is still racing!
whoa bummer....glad you got it put out though.

something similar happened to a buddy of mines mustang years ago....we were out to eat at a chinease resraunt and when we went to leave it back fired through the carb and everything under the hood started to light up......some of the chinese workers came out and we told them GO GET A WET TOWEL...(they didnt understand english) so they came out with a fire extinguisher instead and emptied the hole canister on the engine bay and ruined how pretty it looked under there and it took forever to clean it up...BUT they did put the fire out now we refer to that restraunt as the Chinese fire department lol
bummer on the fire... sounds like there is not too much damage though.. .and you were not hurt!! I have had that happen to 2 vehicles... one was my first car (66 Anglia), messed up some wiring and got a nice big burn spot on the hood. The other was my Willys wagon, that one got out real fast and was fine.
Thinking about it afterwords there is a six foot snow drift next to the garage with a shovel. I was in panic mode all I could think about was fire be gone. The car that I have been working on for the last 13 years is on fire.
Dang man, glad you saved it, and your house too for that matter.

My buddies Dad put out a fire from underneath a high dollar restored Charger at last years Mopar Natl's.

The charger owner had a fire extinguisher but it was too small to snuff out the big flames, luckily my buddies Dad gad a mac-Daddy fire extinguisher handy and saved the guys car.
Sadly, the guy never even said "thanks." how'bout that?
I never thought to check the red line fitting to make sure it was tight (there wasn't a gap). That's what I get for trying to save a buck on something that caries flammable liquid into my life savings.
I never thought to check the red line fitting to make sure it was tight (there wasn't a gap). That's what I get for trying to save a buck on something that caries flammable liquid into my life savings.

Live and learn I guess.

Just glad you did not have a carbecue.
back in the day. 1960 vette, that I insatlled a 427 w/holley 950cfm three barrel carb..pump/pump/starting fluid..pump FIRE ! through my leaher MC jacket and smothered it out very fiberglass call...
glad things worked out for you
Been there, done that. Never knew I could move as fast as I did. 100 ft sprint to the garage (extinguisher) and back as my buddy was throwing snow on the intake. Only melted a vacuum hose!

I honestly don't remember the sprinting, ripping the fire extinguisher off the wall and pulling the pin.

That was weird. :toothy10:
I am going to Jegs tomorrow and I WILL stop somewhere and get a fire ext. for the dart.

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