The Dash Pad Factory

Just got a call from Mr Scam. He’s going to be at nationals this weekend but doesn’t have my dash.
Hopefully the word gets out and nobody buys his ****
Email recieved from 'Allanah Foxx'.... Might have changed more than just his/ her name...:lol:or his daughter might be doin the dirty work now and he just cashes the checks... whichever... to be avoided.

So, who's at the top of your lists for reproducing dashes? I have seen a couple already... just dashes i think was positive...ya?
I've heard good things about ABC Moparts, but have not bought anything from them. Just Dashed pads have always looked too puffy to me?
ABC Moparts
Bob is a good guy, stands by his product. He’s been a bit behind due to some foam supply problems
due to some foam supply problems

Thedashpadfactory stated similar problems which were very believable, they really just dropped the ball with communication and oddly my only replies were after I talked to the bank about disputing the charge. I really wish I could have seen their product. It was just such a focking horrible experience. Ill look into re covering what I got. It wont have the super nice foam, but oh well. easier to put on the dash with it out of the car vs in. At my snails rate I could order a new one and it might be done before the f'n dash is in the car anyway. At the rate Im moving gas will be $7/gal when Im done. Ugh. Sorry for the crept in. Just bill me for the therapy.