The First Male Pregnancy

Just another a-hole craving attention. Men are men and women are women. We both have our roles in life and that is where they should stay.


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Just when you didn't know how the world could get any more messed up... I'm already too afraid to think of what might pop up next. :pale:
I hope he has a miserable death trying to deliver that kid. What a freak. Too much publicity and someone will smash his head for being so stupid.
Just when you didn't know how the world could get any more messed up... I'm already too afraid to think of what might pop up next. :pale:

I'm curious where its going to pop out??????

:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: :eek:ops:
Just when you think our society has hit a new low, someone always finds another step down

I'm pretty sure this is a hoax. There is no way that is even leagal - the topics on their web site are all very controversial subjects - how convenient. It's total BS. It would be world news on every channel if this was real.
I'm pretty sure this is a hoax. There is no way that is even leagal - the topics on their web site are all very controversial subjects - how convenient. It's total BS. It would be world news on every channel if this was real.

I agree with you. I just couldn't look at the site for more than a few minutes (to determine if it was a hoax or not) because it was sooooo wrong.
Ok, so I was a little too grossed out to actually research this but my gal (who reads up on all of this strange kind of stuff) tells me that it appears that this guy was born a woman and never went all the way with the lower transformation. He/she is married to a gal with children from a previous marriage. Supposedly, he/she was a beauty contest winner and the whole bit. Boy, I think I've got the willys ... and damn proud of it! ;-)
If he pukes is it a miscarriage ,wait im going to miscarriage, I mean puke. this crap makes me sick. false or not. The herd needs thinning.
It will never be a "He", it's a she that wanted to be a he. Sorry, no ***** when your born means you will never be a real man.