The king of surgical stupidity



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Was just sitting here and "The Doctors" happened to be on. Here's the "stupid."

Some kid claims to be "a songwriter" has had thousands (over 100G) in surgery to look more like...........................................Justin effin stupid Bieber

Personally, I think he'd been better off just to pay ME the 100G and save the pain...........

If he wanted to look like Beaver, he needed a brain transplant a lot worse.
Where in the hell did the kid get the 100k????
If his parents ponyed up the money, they are too stooopid to have that kind of bucks!
why in the hell would you wantto be a poser anyway? and for 100K HELL NO! Parents or not, I bet money that procedure, DIDN'T happen in the US!
Las Vegas, here comes the Justin Beiber "tribute show"......
Did they dress him in red scrubs at the hospital?

So he could match the real Justin Beiber's red jailbird suit....
I really don't see any change whatsoever, from the before and after pics, other than hair color.......BTW, those perfectly trimmed and shaped eyebrows on a dude are the fruitiest.

And he still doesn't look anything like J.B.
Sure did happened in the USA !!!

"Toby Sheldon, 33, a Los Angeles-based songwriter "

We Canadians are too cheep to do this :)