The maiden voyage



moving on ain't easy if you drive a Ford :p
Apr 9, 2008
Reaction score
Floral City Florida
Well It's been some time coming,got to smell the paint and grease burnin off the pipes of the waggin today.took my first maiden voyage after about three months of trying to get enough extra cash to put tags on the waggin :cheers: had to drive it to the insurance co. for baby's first pic's and then home for some lil' tweaking,then got to take it for about a 20 minute cruise.will be cruising it as much as possible working out any bugs and enjoying it as well as making a list of things I want to change and doing them as time allows.anyway's just wanted to share the first ride with you guys and gals! thanks for coming along!!!!and for all your help and compliments. Curtis8)
Well first I'm jealous that you are able to drive your car! We had a foot of snow today here in CT. LOL Actually I took my Dart for a cruise on Saturday with the kids.
Glad you had a good day Curt. Many more ahead for ya I'm sure.
I wish you took a video of the drive for us.

I wish I was there with ya waggin =P~
That had to be a great feeling to hit the road.
I bet you turned allot of heads and had a great day.
My old foot petal is at my old home place some where.
And I have to go there tomorrow, When do we get new pictures
You made good time on that very cool wagon waggin :cheers:
yea curtis! I got to fire mine up for the first time today,and drive it around the subdivision across the street today too!It feels great the first time dont it?lol
I love the smell of fresh engine in the morning. We'll need some video please. :)

.....from both you guys.
awwww man I wish I had a video of it,it has a nice exotic car sound going down the road with the duals on the old slanty,get's right up in traffic...I'll keep workin on the lil buggs and irritating things and the unfinished stuff,got to cruise it for quite a bit today,carried a few handtools with me and did some adjusting and fixing on the lil buggs as I went.added a nice lil touch to the tailgate ...will post pic's in a day or so.
I love the smell of fresh engine in the morning. We'll need some video please. :)

.....from both you guys.
8) Waggin....soooooooo happy 4 you. For some reason I was under the impression she was running already and at a car show....duh....probably wrong. LOL

Anyways, congrats :-D
thank's everyone,this is far better than car wont steal the cover's Lol and Iv'e only driven it around the neighborhood a few times and in and out of the shop as Iv'e had time to work on it,gotta feed the kid's and such.I finally saved up enough to tag and insure it and maa'm it has renewed my interest big time!!!!nuthing beats being able to drive your car even if it isn't finished!!!