The Scamp has lost some weight....



Does anyone read this?
Aug 4, 2006
Reaction score
The metal removal has started.....

back seat rear quarter.jpg

inner door jamb.jpg

old quarter.jpg

rear quarter 3.jpg
Looks like a good start. Keep posting photos, I have the same process to go through with my dart. It will give me a heads up on what I have to do..
I'm planning on doing that to my Scamp sometime over the winter.

Your trunk floor exts. look to be in good shape yet,i'm gonna have to replace mine.
Since it was a quiet day in the body shop the owner let me spend a few hours working on it. Before I booked the car in, I wanted to take to a place where they would let me do some basic things. Cutting, welding, paint prep and painting I'll leave to the experts but any Joe can remove undercoating. Man, that stuff is a pain to get off even using air tools! Here's my progress after a couple of hours.

left front 75 perscent done.jpg

BTW, the trunk extension in the pictures above is the new one that is tack welded on.