The search for the U.S.S Largarto (WWII sub)



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Watching a show, of all places, on CBS. They must have REALLY screwed up to put this on!!

The show was talking about the building of the boat in Manitowoc, WI. "1 boat a month" was a production figure thrown out.

From Wiki

In May 2005, a group of private deep-sea divers, led by British wreck diver Jamie MacLeod, discovered the wreck in 70 metres (230 ft) of water in the Gulf of Thailand. The wreck is mostly intact and sitting upright on the ocean floor. During the dive, a large rupture was discovered on the port bow area, suggesting a depth charge as the catalyst to her sinking. Also observed during the dive was an open torpedo tube door, with an empty torpedo tube behind it, suggesting the possibility that Lagarto fired off a torpedo shortly before her sinking.

Sounds interesting

Funny that its a british company looking for it
Dollars to donuts, if they ever decide to bring it to the surface it will be the Dutch
I was reading yesterday about a destroyer discovered that was hit by a Japanese Rocket Kamikaze.
they were to fast for the radar to identify back then.
Sad but true as already said. A few scrap, and treasure seeking companys search for these ships.
CBS did a few stories yesterday.
They are posted online.
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