Theives! *grumble* *gripe*



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
Fayetteville, AR
So, I was sittin at the local Hi Octane fillem up shop, fillen up my Dart with some Go juice when I noticed my liscense plate was gone.


Some cheap bastard didn't want to pay for their own plates, so they elected me to buy them.

Anyone else ever have an experience like this?
Some dirtbag stole my commercial plate from my truck. Had to spend a couple hours driving, standing in line at the DMV and paying for replacement plates. REALLY whizzed me off.
i had my gas cap stolen when I went to pay for my gas one time. was a nice chrome one. dirty sob's
DragginMAster said:
So, I was sittin at the local Hi Octane fillem up shop, fillen up my Dart with some Go juice when I noticed my liscense plate was gone.


Some cheap bastard didn't want to pay for their own plates, so they elected me to buy them.

Anyone else ever have an experience like this?

Next thing you know , the police will be knocking at your door thinking it was you who just robbed the bank! Lol!
Makes me wonder if I should put the special hex head bolts back on the plates that were on the car when I bought it.

Sorry to hear that. :-(
A dozen year's back someone stole my boat trailer tag's.
Now they are riveted to the fender.
Hope this **** head get his a$$ kicked while he is injail.

Hope they find this worthless human.
I am wondering exactly how to attach the next plate so that they are much more difficult to steal.

I reported these one stolen just as soon as I could after I realized they were gone, the fact that I have to be further inconvenienced with a trip to the revenue office to replace them irks me to no end. Especially since they have been ripping the road up over there and I have low front end clearance due to the headers hanging low.

Aww well.
My freind, a rabid Rush fan, had his Geddy Lee plates stolen off his Road Runner in front of his house.
Call the cops and keep the receipt on your new plates. Had to show my receipt when they came to arrest me for a bank robbery in New York City. The getaway car had my plates on it.
Man that sucked!
onehellofadart said:
Call the cops and keep the receipt on your new plates. Had to show my receipt when they came to arrest me for a bank robbery in New York City. The getaway car had my plates on it.
Man that sucked!

I was only foolin`! Did that really happen to you?
One of my first cars, a 75 Chevy Nova, sat idle in front of my house as I walked a few blocks to pick up my younger sister from school. When I returned a half hour later, all the window chrome, drip rail chrome and wheel well chrome was gone. All in broad daylight on a busy road! 2 years later, I came home from work and there was a pile of glass and skidmarks where it was parked. I had bad luck with that one.

Can't get much lower than someone who uses your hard earned money for their benefit without consent. I'm not a pushover, but if someone were that hard pressed for money I would just as soon donate to them if they asked instead of having their grubby hands on my vehicle.
Well, I managed to get replacement plates for the low price of $1.25 and an hour away from work.

I hope the fact that I reported the last set stolen will keep me from being a suspect in any bank robberies.
My father had his stolen during the night at his house. Dang shame you cant catch them in action, then stuff that plate up their arse...
Motion sensitive lights all around, certain ones connected to lights and alarm in house, dogs that love to bark and bite, and if that dosn't stop them, gaurded at bare minimum 6 nights a week with Smith an Wesson or Remmington 870, they can try to guess which nite someone "might not" be home.

Thieves are a scurge in our country, and if more people put rounds of munition into any thieves ever seen, then maybe others thieves would figure, "it just ain't worth it". GD bleeding hearts who dont understand that a well trained civilian gun population is the only true freedom from terrorism. If just one of the first few kids to get shot at in Columbine, had a gun to shoot back with and had been taught from an early age how and when to use a firearm, it wouldn't have been the travisty that all the bleeding heart gun control freaks caused. It woulda been a minor shooting incident with just the bad guys dead. Ain't to say that innocents can't or won't get hurt, but it sure as hell would happen a helluva alot less.

So what you are saying,the kids in high school should be able to pack?

I once knew a guy whose van was broken into repeatedly. They would smash out a window & take whatever they could. They stole a $25 el cheapo stereo out of it & ripped up the dash in the process. They would break in & take the change laying on the engine cover. One night at about 12:30 he looked out his front door & 2 guys were breaking into it about 15 feet from his door while his porch light was on. He finally got so pissed that he went to the liquor store & picked up a bottle of cheap, fruity-flavored wine. Then he drained about half of it (maybe he drank it, but wine wasn't his style) & then he topped up the bottle with good old, sweet tastin' ethylene glycol anti-freeze. He put the bottle in a brown paper bag & left it under the seat in the van. Sure enough, somebody broke in & stole the bottle. I wonder if they drank it. Karma is a *****.
[QUOTE='64 Cuda]I once knew a guy whose van was broken into repeatedly. They would smash out a window & take whatever they could. They stole a $25 el cheapo stereo out of it & ripped up the dash in the process. They would break in & take the change laying on the engine cover. One night at about 12:30 he looked out his front door & 2 guys were breaking into it about 15 feet from his door while his porch light was on. He finally got so pissed that he went to the liquor store & picked up a bottle of cheap, fruity-flavored wine. Then he drained about half of it (maybe he drank it, but wine wasn't his style) & then he topped up the bottle with good old, sweet tastin' ethylene glycol anti-freeze. He put the bottle in a brown paper bag & left it under the seat in the van. Sure enough, somebody broke in & stole the bottle. I wonder if they drank it. Karma is a *****.[/QUOTE]


I'm with you Kraby, I think it's time we get back to the old west style where everybody has a gun strapped to their hip. Here in Texas they are about to change the laws so that you can shoot to kill anybody that breaks into your house, tries to carjack you, or tries to rob where you work.
Johnny Dart said:
So what you are saying,the kids in high school should be able to pack?


No, but what about the faculty. Right after Columbine there was a similar event in Alabama but the media totally covered it up. They did so because a Vice Principal who ignored the rules about not keeping a gun in the school used his shotgun to end the disaster before it had a chance to start. No one was hurt, not even the psyco idiot. Oh no, they couldn't let that kind of news get out!
Lars said:

I'm with you Kraby, I think it's time we get back to the old west style where everybody has a gun strapped to their hip. Here in Texas they are about to change the laws so that you can shoot to kill anybody that breaks into your house, tries to carjack you, or tries to rob where you work.

Gotta love Texas.
Worked with a guy in the 60's that had nice 65 Comet. He must of ticked someone off because they put something in the oil and messed his engine up. After it was rebuilt he put some molding clay with a double edged razor blade stucked to the hood latch at night. He said it only took a couple of days when he went to work in the morning there was blood everywhere. After all these years my fingers still hurt thinking about that sucker who might be missing a finger or two.