These Guys Love my Back Yard



Early-A Body Nerd
FABO Gold Member
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
Chesapeake, Va
Just got home from SC property & this fine looking fellow was strutting about. Have always loved terrapins especially since my late wife graduated from the University of Maryland.
He seemed to have a particular interest in my old Brickman Grill. lol.


I spotted this one a while back, she is laying a clutch of eggs.

I'll be on the lookout for babies in another 50 days or so. (I used a telephoto lens so I would not disturb her)

mama turtle laying a clutch of eggs.JPG
That's so cool... Fascinating animals for sure. I don't know if we get them here in CO? Might be too dry of a climate.
Terrapin? It is an Eastern Box Turtle as far as I know.
Had this jewel in my back yard this morning, pretty sure it's the neighbor's.....

This guy is @ the size of a basketball

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Mine is a tortoise ! salcuta in believe
Mine is a tortoise ! salcuta in believe
Same with tortoises. All tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises.

“Turtle” covers them all, terrapins and tortoises are subsets.
Didn't you have one that hung out around your place and came back each year? Seems like I recall that from a couple years ago.

I do. Being a MD grad late wife marked his shell with nail polish summer of 2014 before she passed in 2015. Like clockwork he was back again this yr.
This guy is new but still brought me great joy as to me their activity in my backyard is mega positive karma.:thumbsup:
A box turtle is a terrapin?

Yes sir they are! That one in your yard is a fins specimen too. We love turtles so much, we will hold traffic up to take one across the road. I cannot stand to see one hit. Just breaks my heart.
None of those would have made it if they were within a 100 meter radius of my great grandmother. Soup.
A lot of people own salcuta tortisis down here. Legal to own. The desert tort is is illegal to own unless you have a permit. They are protected. They are masters at escaping. Every so often someone will post on our neighborhood message board that their tort is is missing. Not hard to miss in that they can be rather large.
When I was a kid in SW Ga I was intrigued with turtles, all kinds. In the first grade we had moved into town, Dawson pop 3000. Right next door to the Methodist church parsonage. Preacher had 2 kids, both several years older than me. They had a really big dug out water hole, chicken wire fence, full of turtles!!!!!! Loved them ever after. Then I got intrigued with little lizards, and snakes. I figured out pretty quick snakes could be interesting put catching small timber ratters and selling them to other kids got me into a lot of trouble.
I still love turtles to this day.

I agree that turtle in the OP yards is karma.