They are gonna kill it....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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We live in an area where some folks think that there dogs should be allowed to run thru the entire 'hood. Few weeks back there was 2 dogs outside our fence. One looked like a small black lab mix, the other looked like a Pomeranian. Today was the first we seen of them in a while. Ernie started heading to the back corner...the same spot I chased them from few weeks back. Smaller dog had its head thru the fence....only a matter of time before something happens to it. Have asked a few neighbors...nobody knows who these dogs belong to...
as sad as it is for the pups, your within your rights to shoot them if they are on your property

(but i seem to remember you having dogs that are more then capable to handle things themselves)
as sad as it is for the pups, your within your rights to shoot them if they are on your property

(but i seem to remember you having dogs that are more then capable to handle things themselves)
yeah, we got a couple or three that run loose all the time. drive my fenced up dogs nuts, and really gets to be a pain in the drain hearing them bark all the time. Don`t know what these two would do if they could get to them. The big Rottweiler I used to have took care of any strays, their are a few buried in my back yard. Don`t want to shoot them in the neighbor hood.
as sad as it is for the pups, your within your rights to shoot them if they are on your property

(but i seem to remember you having dogs that are more then capable to handle things themselves)
If the smaller dog does stick it's head thru the fence and Shelby is there it is not going to be pretty. I talked to the new folks down the road few days ago...he told me that these dogs have been on his property. He doesn't have any fencing yet...but he has a couple kennels for his pups. He is working on teaching his pups the property boundries...but is more than concerned about these 2 dogs creating problems.
What's funny about our pups...when they are out of our yard they are not the least bit aggressive towards other dogs...that approach them in a non-aggressive matter. Last we had Shelby to the Vet....there was an older Beagle mix...Shelby went up and sniffed it, let the other dog sniff her...and then Shelby put her chest on the ground in a very playful manner...they are just EXTREMELY protective of their property. I really don't understand how folks can think it is OK to just open the door and let there dogs wander thru the entire 'hood.
Better be careful about shooting anything. At least here in Kansas we have laws about shooting within so many feet of a dwelling, and within so many feet of a road. Not sure anyone but a game warden or a cop that hunts would know them, but I bet most states have them.

It really bugs me when people let their animals roam. If you have animals they should be inside your home or inside a fence anything else is a problem waiting to happen.

In my old neighborhood we frequently had pit bulls that would roam the neighborhood. I also had to go help a cop free one that had gotten its chain stuck between a house and a concrete porch. It was stuck with just a few inches of room to move and no one home.

I had a dog get shot because someone let them loose from their dog run and a neighbor shot her for chasing his loose chickens. Took so much restraint not to harm that idiot. I am so glad I don't live in that town anymore. Nothing quite like rednecks raising livestock in town and then opening fire in a residential neighborhood.
Better be careful about shooting anything. At least here in Kansas we have laws about shooting within so many feet of a dwelling, and within so many feet of a road. Not sure anyone but a game warden or a cop that hunts would know them, but I bet most states have them.

It really bugs me when people let their animals roam. If you have animals they should be inside your home or inside a fence anything else is a problem waiting to happen.

In my old neighborhood we frequently had pit bulls that would roam the neighborhood. I also had to go help a cop free one that had gotten its chain stuck between a house and a concrete porch. It was stuck with just a few inches of room to move and no one home.

I had a dog get shot because someone let them loose from their dog run and a neighbor shot her for chasing his loose chickens. Took so much restraint not to harm that idiot. I am so glad I don't live in that town anymore. Nothing quite like rednecks raising livestock in town and then opening fire in a residential neighborhood.
Here in Stevens County pretty much anything goes. I spoke with a Sheriff a while back about this. His suggestion was to fire near the dog...with the hopes that a bit of fright works...if it whatever is necessary. I have a ton of fence work that I will be doing this week. I have loaded my wifes Taurus 605 with blanks...hopefully will be enough.
Was talking to a neighbor yesterday. He is in a bit of a panic. Family just moved in down the fencing and a Wolf Hybrid. Alex told me he is contending with 8 different dogs wandering on to his property. He has a bunch of goats...more than a bit concerned.
Our county is very lax in a lot of the laws. No animal leash laws. No noise ordinance. Discharging weapons, not a problem. Several residents have backstops and regularly target shoot.
Most folks put here are of the belief that a fence is not necessary. I am one of the few that fenced in their entire property, all 4.8 acres. I used field fencing. I am in the midst of a battle with the neighbor I was chatting with yesterday..again....while he is using our fence, which when we installed it was purposely installed 8" off the property line on our side, they are claiming our fence, combined with our dogs, is a safety concern. One of our dogs is sticking its head thru the openings and biting his goats. Spent 30 minutes in a heated discussion with them yesterday...he simply doesn't understand that if he would have installed a second fence a foot or so off the property line, like he told me he would, this problem would be solved. And of course my wife doesn't agree with my stance on the whole now we are at war as well. My solution...which I started to install but thanks to a very snowy winter I dropped the ball to install a fence with smaller openings over the existing fence...Shelby can't fit her head thru 2"×2" squares. My wife feels we shouldn't have to do anything...that he has goats and should build a proper fence to keep them away from our fence....which is entirely on our property. While I agree with her...I also am a bit uncomfortable with our dogs injuring his food supply. I am just trying to play peace maker. If a couple hundred bucks...and a day or two of time solves a problem than so be this point I don't care who created the problem, I just want it resolved. They threatened to call the Sheriff on me...told him to go right ahead....will not be the first time I have dealt with this crap.
Sorry for rambling....
Here in Stevens County pretty much anything goes. I spoke with a Sheriff a while back about this. His suggestion was to fire near the dog...with the hopes that a bit of fright works...if it whatever is necessary. I have a ton of fence work that I will be doing this week. I have loaded my wifes Taurus 605 with blanks...hopefully will be enough.
Was talking to a neighbor yesterday. He is in a bit of a panic. Family just moved in down the fencing and a Wolf Hybrid. Alex told me he is contending with 8 different dogs wandering on to his property. He has a bunch of goats...more than a bit concerned.
Our county is very lax in a lot of the laws. No animal leash laws. No noise ordinance. Discharging weapons, not a problem. Several residents have backstops and regularly target shoot.
Most folks put here are of the belief that a fence is not necessary. I am one of the few that fenced in their entire property, all 4.8 acres. I used field fencing. I am in the midst of a battle with the neighbor I was chatting with yesterday..again....while he is using our fence, which when we installed it was purposely installed 8" off the property line on our side, they are claiming our fence, combined with our dogs, is a safety concern. One of our dogs is sticking its head thru the openings and biting his goats. Spent 30 minutes in a heated discussion with them yesterday...he simply doesn't understand that if he would have installed a second fence a foot or so off the property line, like he told me he would, this problem would be solved. And of course my wife doesn't agree with my stance on the whole now we are at war as well. My solution...which I started to install but thanks to a very snowy winter I dropped the ball to install a fence with smaller openings over the existing fence...Shelby can't fit her head thru 2"×2" squares. My wife feels we shouldn't have to do anything...that he has goats and should build a proper fence to keep them away from our fence....which is entirely on our property. While I agree with her...I also am a bit uncomfortable with our dogs injuring his food supply. I am just trying to play peace maker. If a couple hundred bucks...and a day or two of time solves a problem than so be this point I don't care who created the problem, I just want it resolved. They threatened to call the Sheriff on me...told him to go right ahead....will not be the first time I have dealt with this crap.
Sorry for rambling....
As a Licensed Land Surveyor I commend you on installing YOUR fence well on YOUR PROPERTY. Any reasonable person, judge or jury would likely find that the neighbors goats must be found guilty of being totally ignorant of potential harm if they congregate or loiter too close to YOUR fence and dogs. LMAO
As a Licensed Land Surveyor I commend you on installing YOUR fence well on YOUR PROPERTY. Any reasonable person, judge or jury would likely find that the neighbors goats must be found guilty of being totally ignorant of potential harm if they congregate or loiter too close to YOUR fence and dogs. LMAO
Laugh if you want but this issue with the neighbor and his goats turned a bit serious the other day...enough so that the Sheriff was called...Sheriff feels everyone is at fault..our part of the problem is our 2 of our dogs sticking their heads thru the fence...neighbors chunk of it is not installing a secondary fence to keep his goats away from OUR fence...which my neighbor claimed he was going to do 6 months ago. Our neighbors are relying on a field fence that is 30" tall to contain his goats. This fence has 0 tension on it...all but the corner rail road posts are rotted...the only reason they are standing is because of a few t-posts nearby. In talking with the Sheriff, we'll within earshot of the neighbor, I told him that my neighbor has no trouble using OUR fence to contain his goats...that is until there is a problem with it. When we spent the time and money to put it up these folks were full of praise....shortly afterwards the goats showed up. We have been told several times by these folks that they were going to put up an electric wire fence...and a secondary buffer fence...first time we heard this was close to 2 years ago...we are still waiting...
He accused us of "not handling our business"...because we have a "cuisinart" of a fence due to the fact that our dogs can stick their head thru it. He told the Sheriff that our entire neighborhood is terrorized by our dogs. We told the Sheriff that we have talked to the neighbors behind us and on the other side. Neither one has a problem with our dogs. The Sheriff did tell them to pay no mind of what happens along the 3 sides of our property that doesn't border them.
I informed the Sheriff that I will install a second fence to my existing one. The existing one has 4"×4" openings. The one I just finished on that side has 4"×2" openings...ain't no way my dog can get its block head thru it. I also will be running barb wire down that side...and will be installing an electric fence.
I told the neighbor, and the Sheriff, that if the problem persists I will remove the fence...and put it back up 40' from the property line. Along the property like I will simply run a single strand of barb wire. And sit outside with a.223 rifle...any animal that passes thru the barb wire will be shot...
The Sheriff instructed my neighbor that is well with in my rights...he also suggested that there is a very simple addition to me putting up the fence with the smaller openings he NEEDS to put up his own fence, several feet from mine. He suggested a minimum of 48" high...with an additional barb wire on top. That containing HIS animals is HIS responsibility...

The little dog that has been showing up...has been here twice already today. Went outside with a 38 loaded with blanks...the dog is not afraid of gun fire. I spoke with the Sheriff about this...he told me to shoot in its

....this is sitting near the back door...
I feel your pain, unreasonable neighbors are the worst as the clown in the wrong never seems to see he is in the wrong. Keep me posted.
Maybe I am just an arsehole....but the laws are pretty clear...
Suitable fence...
Lawful fence defined.

A lawful fence shall be of at least four barbed, horizontal, well-stretched wires, spaced so that the top wire is forty-eight inches, plus or minus four inches, above the ground and the other wires at intervals below the top wire of twelve, twenty-two, and thirty-two inches. These wires shall be securely fastened to substantial posts set firmly in the ground as nearly equidistant as possible, but not more than twenty-four feet apart. If the posts are set more than sixteen feet apart, the wires shall be supported by stays placed no more than eight feet from each other or from the posts.
Other lawful fences.

All other fences as strong and as well calculated as the fence described in RCW16.60.010 shall be lawful fences.
My fence clearly meets the requirements. When we were working on it the other day we found the survey pins. In the back we are 8" from it. In the front about 18". Any breach of the fence is clearly a case of trespass.
RCW 9A.52.010

The following definitions apply in this chapter:
(1) "Enter." The word "enter" when constituting an element or part of a crime, shall include the entrance of the person, or the insertion of any part of his or her body, or any instrument or weapon held in his or her hand and used or intended to be used to threaten or intimidate a person or to detach or remove property.
(2) "Enters or remains unlawfully." A person "enters or remains unlawfully" in or upon premises when he or she is not then licensed, invited, or otherwise privileged to so enter or remain.
A license or privilege to enter or remain in a building which is only partly open to the public is not a license or privilege to enter or remain in that part of a building which is not open to the public. A person who enters or remains upon unimproved and apparently unused land, which is neither fenced nor otherwise enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders, does so with license and privilege unless notice against trespass is personally communicated to him or her by the owner of the land or some other authorized person, or unless notice is given by posting in a conspicuous manner. Land that is used for commercial aquaculture or for growing an agricultural crop or crops, other than timber, is not unimproved and apparently unused land if a crop or any other sign of cultivation is clearly visible or if notice is given by posting in a conspicuous manner. Similarly, a field fenced in any manner is not unimproved and apparently unused land. A license or privilege to enter or remain on improved and apparently used land that is open to the public at particular times, which is neither fenced nor otherwise enclosed in a manner to exclude intruders, is not a license or privilege to enter or remain on the land at other times if notice of prohibited times of entry is posted in a conspicuous manner.
(3) "Premises" includes any building, dwelling, structure used for commercial aquaculture, or any real property.
You can laugh all you want..."Any reasonable person, judge or jury would likely find that the neighbors goats must be found guilty of being totally ignorant of potential harm if they congregate or loiter too close to YOUR fence and dogs. LMAO"

Liability for damages—Restraint—Notice.

Any person making and maintaining in good repair around his or her enclosure or enclosures, any fence such as is described in RCW 16.60.010 and 16.60.011, may recover in a suit for trespass before the nearest court having competent jurisdiction, from the owner or owners of any animal or animals which shall break through such fence, in full for all damages sustained on account of such trespass, together with the costs of suits; and the animal or animals, so trespassing, may be taken and held as security for the payment of such damages and costs: PROVIDED, That such person shall provide notice as required under RCW16.04.020 and 16.04.025: PROVIDED FURTHER, That such person shall have such fences examined and the damages assessed by three reliable, disinterested parties and practical farmers, within five days next after the trespass has been committed: AND, PROVIDED FURTHER, That if, before trial, the owner of such trespassing animal or animals, shall have tendered the person injured any costs which may have accrued, and also the amount in lieu of damages which shall equal or exceed the amount of damages afterwards awarded by the court or jury, and the person injured shall refuse the same and cause the trial to proceed, such person shall pay all costs and receive only the damages awarded.

so when his goats jumped the fence and my dogs tore it up a bit...or the second instance when my dog got a goat by the its head...which was thru the fence...and even this last instance where my dogs head was thru the the area where the fence is 18" on OUR side of the property line...
My neighbor was clearly at fault.
Perhaps I am just an asshole? They are screaming at me about my dogs...and I...being a menace. That is not the way I read it. My dogs NEVER entered his property. Plain and simple...
So laugh at me if you must but the laws appear pretty damn clear to me...same can be said for dog bite laws...which clearly state that if you are trespassing and get bit dog owner is not liable.
Either way I have resolved the issue. I have a better understanding of the fence laws now...if anything else happens I am simply going to call the Sheriff.