They're killing me!



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2004
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- They talk to each other, even if they're not in the same room. AS LOUD AS THEY CAN, NO MATTER WHAT.

- They follow me around the house, TALKING LOUD TO EACH OTHER OR TO ME.

- No matter where I try to hide they find me. Even if they don't want to talk to me, they come into the room I'm in and talk to each other.

- The woman comments on nonsense and laughs hysterically. "Oh, what a long night this has been. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

- All they talk about is food. What's for dinner (in the morning), when is dinner (at 2 PM), this is a wonderful dinner (before we eat), what a great dinner that was (after dinner), what's for dinner tomorrow? (at 7 PM). IT WAS &((*#@!()* HAMBURGERS I COOKED ON THE GRILL! HOW *)(#@!()@ GOOD COULD THEY BE?

- They give me directions about how to get where we're going. They HAVEN'T LIVED IN THIS STATE IN 20 YEARS! AND THE WOMAN IS BLIND! How *)(#@!&*@ could your directions be?

- The man is deaf, so he sits on my couch and turns the TV up as loud as it goes and then falls asleep!

Yes, it's that time of year again. My wife's parents are staying with me for a few weeks.

Kill me now, please.
Jeezuz, I feel for you. Go for a drive and stop somewhere for a beer.
I've got some work to do on the Duster. I'm coming home from work tomorrow (late, of course), getting changed and heading out to the garage. Either I'll get the motor buttoned up or I'll finish all the 12 pack of Smithwick's that's sitting out there. Hopefully they won't find me out there.
I here you Mike they have everything going on in there own mind and sleep and eat and not think about where it came from .
Hang in there man it will get better.

If it don't it is your falt. Stand up sir
It`s probably been 30 years since either one of them had a hamburger on the grille.Lol! I bet they were good , now I want a hamburger on the grille! Hang in there and one day you`ll be the deaf guy on the couch. Roflmao!
Not to worry, some day they will be gone........forever. Certainly none of my business, but personally your post was a bit pathetic.
LOL, Best of luck Mike. Look at the bright side. They will be gone soon and you wont see them for awhile. Mine in laws live right down the street. My father in laws favorite pass time is to come over, sit on my coach and tell me everything we are doing wrong. Then he gets on his cell phone and talks to all his friends in Spanish. Thankfully my Mother in law doesnt visit often.
Embrace every moment. Look past the noise and find positive things. Yes, they will be gone someday and you will be sad. I know, I lost my dad to cancer yesterday! toolmanmike
They're arguing about where the Isle is Man is right now. From what my wife tells me this has been going on for the last hour or so, on and off.
71 Dart said:
Not to worry, some day they will be gone........forever. Certainly none of my business, but personally your post was a bit pathetic.

mikelbeck, better you than me!!! seems some folks gotta take everything serious.
toolmanmike said:
I know, I lost my dad to cancer yesterday! toolmanmike

Sorry to hear that. Seriously, my condolences.
Sorry to hear of your dilema Mike, I'm sure most of us have got horror stories of what it's like when the wifes parents or your own parents come for a visit and at the very least tell you of all the things you're doing wrong. I don't mind to much when my wifes parents come to visit, he's french and she's dutch and it's hilarious when the two of them get to arguing and swearing at each other in their native tongues.


And yes my condolences also toolmanmike.
I hear ya, man. Did a month-long stint myself over Christmas and most of January. Your approach is sound, though. You can get alot done in the garage when that is the only place to go. Sometimes that little extra incentive is all you need!