This ain't gonna be good



Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2009
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Ever have that moment, while doing something a little tick goes off an says, "Hey dummy, better stop now, the outcome ain't gonna be good." Well that happened Sunday morning. Trying to hang a piece on the garage for the wife. Already had the hole drilled in the brick joint. Had to enlarge the hole in the piece so the bolt would go thru. Started drilling. That's when the tick went off, BUT I didn't listen. Kept right on drilling. Doesn't take a 5/16 bit long to drill a thumb. Left thumb, right below the knuckle. Soon as it hit, jerked and said my common words(insert here), and headed to the kitchen sink. Wife couldn't look. While running cold water over it she got me peroxide. She said you're going to hospital for stitches. We argued back an forth for a few and I realized it was a losing battle so we went. 3hrs later, an x-ray(to see if there was any metal in the wound) a Tetanus shot and 6 stitches later we came home. Course all I've heard since was "See I knew they'd stitch you up" Had she not been here, cold water, peroxide, alcohol and bandaged up and back to work. So this ain't gonna be good, wasn't!
Ever have that moment, while doing something a little tick goes off an says, "Hey dummy, better stop now, the outcome ain't gonna be good." Well that happened Sunday morning. Trying to hang a piece on the garage for the wife. Already had the hole drilled in the brick joint. Had to enlarge the hole in the piece so the bolt would go thru. Started drilling. That's when the tick went off, BUT I didn't listen. Kept right on drilling. Doesn't take a 5/16 bit long to drill a thumb. Left thumb, right below the knuckle. Soon as it hit, jerked and said my common words(insert here), and headed to the kitchen sink. Wife couldn't look. While running cold water over it she got me peroxide. She said you're going to hospital for stitches. We argued back an forth for a few and I realized it was a losing battle so we went. 3hrs later, an x-ray(to see if there was any metal in the wound) a Tetanus shot and 6 stitches later we came home. Course all I've heard since was "See I knew they'd stitch you up" Had she not been here, cold water, peroxide, alcohol and bandaged up and back to work. So this ain't gonna be good, wasn't!

That sucks.
One of my friends drilled a 3/8 right through his palm and out the other side using his hand to back a section of radiator core support.
He asked me in a frantic voice "What do I do now?" and I said "It's reversible drill so you know what to do".
The look on his face was priceless but he did it.
The injuries I saw (and committed) in the pallet factory I worked in after high school were bad but could've been a lot worse. I remember falling asleep, standing up, while running a radial arm saw....and I got SO lucky with that.

Glad it didn't turn out worse for you.
That sucks.
One of my friends drilled a 3/8 right through his palm and out the other side using his hand to back a section of radiator core support.
He asked me in a frantic voice "What do I do now?" and I said "It's reversible drill so you know what to do".
The look on his face was priceless but he did it.
Just reading this made me cringe...
I slipped with a nail gun and drove a nail into the joint of my thumb one evening.

Normally, I would have just pulled it out, but I decided not to because of it being in the joint. My wife and I headed to the emergency room. It wasn't bleeding, the nail had sealed itself well.

Got signed in and a doc said "need x-rays" and we were shuffled over to the x-ray dept to wait... And wait we did... a couple hours had gone by and by now it was quite late. We were sitting on a bench in a hallway and people would pass by us on a regular basis. So... I started screwing around and when I knew someone was coming, I would put my hand on top of my wife's head. It looked like I had nailed my hand to my wife's head. Then we would just look at everybody when they passed by.

This must have gotten someone's attention, because the next thing we knew, I was getting my x-ray and back to see the doc. Turned out to be a small chip and nothing to worry about, so they just yanked the nail out, gave me a tetanus shot and sent me home.