This aint right is it?

Somewhere this side of laying a smokescreen for other drivers.


Can't speak for other areas of the country, but around here, if a person is driving a car that's mosquito fogging odds are they have to drive a car that's mosquito fogging.
Ideal! turn in your neighbor's 1969 Camaro that he has spent a fortune on. You know the guy that puts down your Mopar every time he can.
Did you know that the new OBDIII computers on the cars allow the government the ability to shut down your vehicle if you do not comply with emissions laws......

It is also tied into OnStar..... If you throw an emissions related code - You will get a letter in the mail telling you that You have so many days to comply. If not repaired on time your car will not start.

They have not started enforcing yet; but they have the laws and software ability to do it.

This was taught in a college ASE class I attended a couple years ago.

And now you can get OnStar for old cars as well.......
OBD 3 is still in the concept phase. No vehicle's run OBD 3, who knows what it will be when it actually gets put into production. I don't doubt that it will have that capability, however new vehicle sales will drop significantly if they actually do this. People can't even afford repairs now, let alone what they will be in a couple years. SEMA and all aftermarket company's will fight this tooth and nail. That would be mean the end to all programmers and other performance related hardware. That is a loss of billions of dollars, I'm sure the lobbyists will be all over that one.

Can't speak for other areas of the country, but around here, if a person is driving a car that's mosquito fogging odds are they have to drive a car that's mosquito fogging.

Yeah, that definitely sucks, but driving is a privilege, not a right. You have to be able to maintain a vehicle to a minimum standard to travel the roadways.

Too many bad brake, bald tire deathraps on the road as it is.
My valiant smokes horribly the first 3 minutes of startup....valve stem seals gone.
One day heading to church a man in his 60-70's pulled up next to me in a new Camry. He was gesturing at me so i rolled my pass window down. He said, "Your cars smoking bad." I'm like yeah it's an old car and the motor is wearing out. He then yells at me "Well, get a new one!!"
I was like, what the crap! I figured this old man was gonna say something like, nice car or something being that he was an old timer and I figured he'd appreciate an old car.
Guess i was wrong.
Also my car is emissions exempt here in Colorado if someone wants to call that hotline...good luck to them.
Wonder how they'd react to my '78 Yamaha DT125 2-Stroke Motorcycle :p It puffs a little bit of smoke. :p
A mechanic I know told me about a cer he had that somehow had the trans locked in park and the doors locked. Couldn't be started. It was a newer GM and had onstar. The owner was going through a divirce and bankruptcy - he suspected it was dne by satellite.

Serves anybody buying a new GM car right.
OBD 3 is still in the concept phase. No vehicle's run OBD 3, who knows what it will be when it actually gets put into production. I don't doubt that it will have that capability, however new vehicle sales will drop significantly if they actually do this. People can't even afford repairs now, let alone what they will be in a couple years. SEMA and all aftermarket company's will fight this tooth and nail. That would be mean the end to all programmers and other performance related hardware. That is a loss of billions of dollars, I'm sure the lobbyists will be all over that one.

Most people will be unaware of it and still purchase new cars. It may take some time to implement and for the masses to realize the change.

EPA has way too much power!
Anyone know about the lawsuit against the EPA for having too much power? I heard a little about it but have no info on it.
Most people will be unaware of it and still purchase new cars. It may take some time to implement and for the masses to realize the change.

EPA has way too much power!
Anyone know about the lawsuit against the EPA for having too much power? I heard a little about it but have no info on it.

You are probably correct that people will still buy cars at first, but how long do you think it will take for people to not want to buy new cars when they realize big brother is shutting their car off for the engine light being on? That is what I was referring to, if OBD 3 actually will have those capabilities and the government actually uses it to disable vehicles, or report to local law enforcement, I would expect a huge backlash from citizens and aftermarket companies. I am sure that if they did this that they could not keep people from talking about it. It would be in the news, you would hear family and friends talking about it like "Hey did you know that my new 2016 Dodge can just be shut off if you don't get the check engine light looked at?" I mean this will get out and it WILL have a affect on new car sales.

I suspect that they will slowly start enforcing it over a course of years and years so that nobody raises any red flags. That seems to be the typical way goverment works nowadays. Start taking little freedoms away, and little by little we become a completely different society.

The EPA does have too much power, I vote to dispand them!!!!:cheers:

I'll try to locate it, again.

Talk about something that is apples and oranges to what we're discussing.

Apples and oranges? Do you not see the connection? Do you agree with the local government asking citizens to turn each other in, because their car MIGHT, have an issue?
Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

[ame=""]Smoke Screen on an Armored Toyota Land Cruiser - YouTube[/ame]
lol they got me.

Sorry the immage is upside down. Not sure what thats all about.


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The arguement is stupid. If your car is smoking you need to fix the piece of **** anyway.

Another unpopular, but true comment from Robert "The Wordsmith" Rusty Rat Rod.

Also, in the "computer age" if a citizen reports your car as a smoker, the report will (most likely) include a description, and a license plate number. When it comes time for renewal of your registration, I have no doubt that your county or state DMV will have a record of your tag number and the report against it.

Can they "force repair"? Yes, by simply denying your registration for that vehicle until proof of repair is supplied. If a physical inspection is required by the DMV before they reinstate the registration for the vehicle, you're pretty much done. If all it takes is written proof of repair, I have no doubt that there will be people willing to supply you with that for a price.

Just keep in mind that if you get reported again, there will probably be a fine, and possibly even a revocation of the vehicle's registration, and/or your registration or, perhaps your driving privileges. Remember neither is a "right".
The more information the various government's gather on the individual, the more government intrusion we will have to deal with. :sad3:

This is the type of thing that happens when the government requests citizens to spy on, and "report" on other citizens, for benign circumstances. Sort of has a Hitler-esque flavor to it, doesn't it?
I think my beef with this now is that more than likley I was turned by someone that is clueless about anything automotive. While is should be lauging this off I am not (im rather Pissed about this). I am tired of clueless individuals who only think, do and act on what makes them fell good about them selves. Common sense is a thing of the past and at age 26 I am amased daily in the utter stupidity of people, ecspecially those that I should be learning from and those whom are in charge.

I drive a 98.5 2500 dodge ram with a 24 valve cummins.

Any one with alittle thought should be able to tell this is not a gas engine.They should also visibly be able to know that this is an older vehicle. When i think of older diesel vehicles "no smoke" is not the fist thing that comes to mind.

To keep my rant going. This letter was not from the olorado DMV it was from Colorado Health and Human services. Leave the Emissions issues to the Emissions experts. It would be clear that this vehicle has passed emissions with flying colors for the past 6 years that I have owend it.
I don't think its excessive for people to be required to fix vehicles leaving visible smoke trails.

100% agree. Try getting stuck in traffic behind a car thats burning a lot of oil. It stinks and it leaves oil remnants on your car.
This thread got derailed in 8 minutes on the first post. Visible smoke from auto exhaust is already covered in another area. This has to do with controlled burns. I'm always burning something here. But since it's agricultural burning I don't need a permit. It's a pretty vague statement. A couple weeks ago I burned a skateboard ramp. It's agricultural because it's surrounded by agricultural land. Simple enough.
I got reported in my old Royal Monaco for visible smoke. I received a letter from the Bay Area Air Quality Managment District.
They offered a list of shops to help repair my polluter, as well as suggestions on where I could junk my car. They went so far as to offer financial assistance if I qualified. This agency had no teeth to make me do anything.
I showed the letter to our CHP inspector. This is when I found out the California Highway Patrol never solved the problem of cooking the right valve cover gasket on the 440 powered patrol cars with the California emissions package. Screw them.

your the one getting screwed in that back-asswards messed up bankrupt state. leave while you can.
Another unpopular, but true comment from Robert "The Wordsmith" Rusty Rat Rod.

Also, in the "computer age" if a citizen reports your car as a smoker, the report will (most likely) include a description, and a license plate number. When it comes time for renewal of your registration, I have no doubt that your county or state DMV will have a record of your tag number and the report against it.

Can they "force repair"? Yes, by simply denying your registration for that vehicle until proof of repair is supplied. If a physical inspection is required by the DMV before they reinstate the registration for the vehicle, you're pretty much done. If all it takes is written proof of repair, I have no doubt that there will be people willing to supply you with that for a price.

Just keep in mind that if you get reported again, there will probably be a fine, and possibly even a revocation of the vehicle's registration, and/or your registration or, perhaps your driving privileges. Remember neither is a "right".
The more information the various government's gather on the individual, the more government intrusion we will have to deal with. :sad3:

This is the type of thing that happens when the government requests citizens to spy on, and "report" on other citizens, for benign circumstances. Sort of has a Hitler-esque flavor to it, doesn't it?

I don't think its excessive for people to be required to fix vehicles leaving visible smoke trails.

I think in many cases, emissions laws are a profit center for states, but there are minimum standards for operating a vehicle on the highway.

I also think the "citizen's hotline" is a BS idea.

What about the owner/operators driving their livelyhood dump truck, rig, etc. on a tight budget. -they lose everything. Like when California bullied out owner-operators at some construction sites. It's easy to talk tough when you can perform your repairs or look from the sidelines...