This is for the Guys on here Young and Old.

Hey guys just got home from the hospital. I had Emergency surgery on early a.m. on Monday. I am doin a little better but I will give more info when I can move around a bit easier. Thanks for all the prayers.
Dusted, hope your doing better, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife.. I hope you have a speedy recovery and all will be well.. please keep us posted..
I too send my best and prayers. Really curious how, or if, the 2 main problems tie together. Keep us informed.

Definately keep us informed.

Remember we are just one big family and you are a limb.

Prayers are being continued for quick and complete healing.
Glad to see your back home,that must be a positive thing.Now it's your turn to take care of Dad,Lilly.8)
Weird topic I know but it needs to be put out there. Guys do regular checks on your man goods. If something isn't right get it checked out. If there is the slightest little bump or knot get it checked and here is why I am saying this. I went to the doctor on Thursday with a spot on my scrotum about the size of half a pea, not painful just wanted it to get checked out. I have a history of MRSA and figured thats what it was. So doc prescribes antibiotics and sends me on my way. Friday morning it's the size of a marble, so by the time I get to the doc at 3p.m. it is the size of a half dollar and I can hardly walk. Doc gives me pain killers and figures it's still MRSA. I go home around 5p.m. and by 9 it is the size of an egg. I spent all night and day in the ER with a 103 degree fever and my blood pressure was really low and they don't know what it is. It is a huge mass inside my bag and it keeps gettin bigger they did an ultrasound and they said it isn't fluid filled so it isn't MRSA but they still don't know what it is. So my point is take every little thing seriously it could cost you your life.

This is EXACTLY the very same thing that I had to have surgery for in late August last year!!!! And it was the second surgery I had to have for the exact same the exact same place!!! If they didn't get it all with the first surgery, they will probably have to go in again in another year or two. So I'm hoping and praying your docs got it all the first time!!! My first surgery was at a local hospital, but the second time was much more serious and the local hospital sent me directly to the trauma center at Harborview in Seattle. They rushed me past everybody else that was waiting in the ER and I was under the knife immeadiately.....

It took me about six weeks to get back up to speed again, I hope your recovery is much shorter than mine was.

PLEASE PLEASE don't be shy or embarrased to check yourself out and if you even have the slightest suspiscion that something isn't right....GO GET IT CHECKED OUT!!!!
Take care of yourself right now and if you can keep us updated, please do so. If there is anything I can do for you P.M me. I am only about 50 miles from Raeford and will help you out in any way I can. Prayers continue to be sent to you and yours.
Dusted WOW. I'll be checking things over. Thanks for the heads up for all of us. I'll keep you in my prayers and I'll be thinking of you to Rick.
Hey guys things are looking up. I had to go back to the Doctor today and he gave me 2 weeks off to recover. I can walk a little better but it is really hard to go to the bathroom. I have 3 incisions on my beanbag and a hole the size of a quarter on my right inner butt cheek that makes it vey difficult to sit and make #2 but it will get better with time. Thanks for all the prayers myself and my family really appreciate what you guys do for your extended families on here.
Good to hear you`re feeling better. Take it easy and rest up, like Peter in the movie Office Space said, "I did absolutely nothing and it was everything I thought it could be".
Dang, I just saw this. Prayers are out for a speedy and total recovery and thanks for the info. Get well soon Dusted!
Okay, now that the initial scare is over and you're starting to feel a bit better, it's good to hear you're still "all there." Is it safe for the uni-baller jokes to begin? Sorry. Just trying to lighten your mood...:bootysha:
Glad to hear your doing O.K. I feel for you and your family, good luck and get well soon so you can get back on that Mopar!