this is getting crazy

You've got to be f*cking kidding......over $3k because it suppose to be Palin? Sorry the US election stuff has really gone too far.
Did you notice the Obama doll......looks like Gary Coleman (aka Arnold Jackson on Different Strokes) Wats you talkin bout Willis???

Well at least its for a charity fund raiser!!!

obama doll.jpg
You've got to be f*cking kidding......over $3k because it suppose to be Palin? Sorry the US election stuff has really gone too far.
Did you notice the Obama doll......looks like Gary Coleman (aka Arnold Jackson on Different Strokes) Wats you talkin bout Willis???

Well at least its for a charity fund raiser!!!
Oops. They screwed up. Obama will not wear a flag pin.
I agree, its for charity so I think its cool that the bidding is high. But I just shake my head at some of the stuff and the prices that they go for. Look at that stuff and youd think the economy is flush instead of where its really at.
You've got to be f*cking kidding......over $3k because it suppose to be Palin? Sorry the US election stuff has really gone too far.
Did you notice the Obama doll......looks like Gary Coleman (aka Arnold Jackson on Different Strokes) Wats you talkin bout Willis???

Well at least its for a charity fund raiser!!!

80/20 Loop
that answered this post if I hadn't just done it. Someone has ENTIRELY TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS! Anyone want to sand on my Dart?