this is my grandaughter u are praying for

Great news! You can see the will to persevere in her eyes, and the desire to beat any odds stacked against her.

What a sweetheart, that look in her eyes tells me she´s determine to be able to play around with her grandpa for many years to come. Still praying for Keira.
My prayers go out to you and yours. I'm a new father and I don't know what's I would do. She looks strong hang in the friend
Lord, you love this child as You love all children,
Bring healing to this child who is not well.
Stay by her side and comfort her through this trying time.
Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence
Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also.
Thank You for hearing our prayer. Amen

Prayers sent
Awesome news! My cousin and his wife had a daughter born and she was I think a little less than 1lb. She pulled thru and is doing great, as I am sure your wee one there will do!!
How is Keira doing?

Kiera is still in B.C. Childrens hospital.

She is having a problem breathing on her own and they don't know why.

The nurse said that they would do an xray of her lungs to see if

there were any problems.

She will be in the hospital until they figure out what is wrong.

A lot of progress has been made and they are pleased with how far she

has come. At this point, they still don't know how much longer she will

remain in the hospital. The good thing is that she is out of ICU and come

a long way since her 1st and 2nd heart surgery.

I got to hold Kiera for the first time yesterday since she was born.

it was very emotional for me. My daughter said I was getting to be an "old softie".

thanks again to all for your kind words, thoughts and prayers... from Kiera,

her twin sister and our family. I know it has made a difference!
Keira is a fighter and her family is blessed! Prayers and love go out to her and her wonderful family.

Lord, you love this child as You love all children,
Bring healing to this child who is not well.
Stay by her side and comfort her through this trying time.
Keep us ever mindful of Your loving presence
Bless us with Your powerful healing and comfort us also.
Thank You for hearing our prayer. Amen
here are 2 pics I took yesterday of Kiera and her twin sister Kylie

Kylie is the older sister by one minute


  • twins1.jpg
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  • twins2.jpg
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haha they are so cute. i'm glad for you and your family that she is pulling through this. you are a strong bunch. i doubt there are any softies in your family, and Kiera is proving to be the toughest of all!

<<< prayin for her
They are absolutely adorable together. I love how the second pic looks like Kylie is trying to give Kiera kisses. Prayers will continue.
Just seeing that little fighter is emotional; I can only imagine how it must have felt to hold her for the first time. Kylie and Kiera are so cute together. Thanks for the pics and the update. Prayers continuing!
On Sunday night they took Kiera off oxygen assist.

Yesterday they took her off her feeding tube.

Last nite she took 30 oz of milk by bottle.

If all keeps going like it is, she might be discharged from the hospital this

weekend. Still too soon to tell... but that is what the nurses were talking


She will then spend 3-4 days with my daughter and her twin sister at

Easter Seals house. And after that...home.

Thanks to all of you for your kind words, thoughts and prayers.

It has made a difference. God bless you all.

Best wishes to you all and your families over the Christmas holidays!