this weekend



Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2007
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goulais river ont
well the weekend is almost here. i am helping my dad cleanout a friends garage that past away last month. his widow called my dad to give her a hand selling all of his stuff from the garage. i have know idea how people could call her and start asking for stuff, not to buy but just give. this guy was a pro welder of just about anything. people are calling that she has never seen before asking for stuff out of the garage. i just do not get where the nerve comes from. i just hope no one shows up while we go through everything and cause a problem. the worst was there was no will and he died suddenly. so all the vehicles can not be sold until the lawyer figures it out.

well sleep easy steve, you will be missed.
That is sad.......Unfortunately happens alot....Sad for her to lose her husband and may need help fiancially and cant sell anything until lawers straighten things out......I seen this alot when i first started at the hospital. Worked in a palative care floor. No visitors until The patient was at deaths door............Sad..very sad.........Hope all works out for her and pass on my thoughts for you and your dad. Great to see all helping her out. Great people.:thumbup:
I'm leaving everything to the State of Connecticut just to piss off my relatives.....
well it was a good weekend cleaning out steves garage. i bought a few things that i probably payed tomuch for but i had a few extra bucks. like i thought people showed up with there hands out saying this is mine or that is mine. steves widow was not happy. but when it was all over his friends had a drink in his honor and his widow got a cluttered garage cleaned out, and got a few bucks.
Im glad it well.........Except for the cheapo,s..........Im sure his wife was happy you all were there not just for the help either......good people.........:thumblef:
Same sort of thing happend years back when a good friend of mine took his own life. People came in & took all kinds of things & I think his wife was in such a state of shock she just sort of let it happen. I lived too far away to get there in time to be of any help. Some things I had stored at his house disappeared. Vultures. disgust
I bet you and your Dad's presence kept the scavengers under control.

One thing I don't understand is people expecting to get back any gifts they gave to the person. What's up with that???????disgust
Condolences on the passing of your friend.

I watched a similar situation happen to a friend of mine. Her grandmother owned a rather valuable piece of property in town. When her grandmother passed away, almost within the hour people started making calls with offers to buy. The family hadn't even had a chance to grieve yet when the vultures started swooping...
Nothing so sad as watching the bone pickers close in. I have witnessed people cozy up to folks with cancer so they can get first pick. Glad you and dad could help out in this case.
i talked to my dad last night and those pricks went back on sunday and took all the tools and tool boxes, the cordless drills, electric impacts, car trailer, and a few other things that i can't remember then had the nerve to ask for money that they say she owes them now. i can't believe they came back to get her.
I do believe that would be considered Grand Theft and Grand Theft Auto for the trailer as well as burglary.Call the cops.