This Yard Sign Takes The Cake



Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2016
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Never seen anything remotely close to this in someone’s yard. Out on the backroads of South Carolina.
How much $$$ on a dare would it take for you to walk up and knock on the door??:elmer:


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I once worked at a man's home in the sticks in Mississppi that's a nice pleasant sign. You should have seen his
That’s pretty funny.

A couple years ago I replied to a Craigslist for some car seats. The guy sent me pics and his photo gallery was on the bottom like your pics. I really didn’t need to see pics of his naked girlfriend, but I did show everyone I know.
Never seen anything remotely close to this in someone’s yard. Out on the backroads of South Carolina.
How much $$$ on a dare would it take for you to walk up and knock on the door??:elmer:

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One time the witness’s came on my yard and started preaching, tried several times to politely send them on their way. LEAVE wasn’t a strong enough hint so I sik’ed the dog on them haven’t been back.
There is a guy out here in the county who had a sign real similar in front of his salvage yard. Only on the very bottom it said "TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT". Several neighbors complained and the county made him remove it.
There is a guy out here in the county who had a sign real similar in front of his salvage yard. Only on the very bottom it said "TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT". Several neighbors complained and the county made him remove it.
You have to be a little more subtle. Blatant threats will trigger some people and definitely get the attention of the lawyers. Not real smart to have a sign like that because heaven forbid something happens where you have to defend yourself, they'll go for premeditated and you are screwed. I do appreciate the enthusiasm though.
You have to be a little more subtle. Blatant threats will trigger some people and definitely get the attention of the lawyers. Not real smart to have a sign like that because heaven forbid something happens where you have to defend yourself, they'll go for premeditated and you are screwed. I do appreciate the enthusiasm though.
Well in his defense, he was having trouble with people stealing parts. Everything on that lot is heavy equipment too and not cheap.
Obviously signs like these are merely for “deterrence” vs a notice of action that will be taken. Most thinking people get the point, I better just move along. Not to say there aren’t unstable people putting up signs like that who just might do something or some who are arrogant, cocky or moronic enough to mess with someone with a sign like these. Reminds me of this guy/family:

Steven Bixby South Carolina Death Row | My Crime Library

They put up signs but I don’t recall whether they mentioned shooting but they definitely verbalized their intentions. Pretty dim bulbs they were.
Some crazies :realcrazy:out there. Some of these signs are funny to read for sure but effective enough for most:eek:
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I dont know, I saw a dateline the other day where some guy bought a few tracks of land and closed the trails that were on there

A jerk move, perhaps but well within his rights

People kept trespassing so he put up gates and signs

One neighbor particularly kept vandalizing his property, trespassing (while armed, which makes it criminal trespass) AND recording the damage he did and bragging about it

The land owner filed charges which the DA dismissed as "civil matters"

One day the neighbor is out driving his 4 wheeler near the guys land again, sees the land owner and chases him

The land owner makes it across his fence and we'll, this is where things get blurry because the landowner was the only one left alive to tell the story

He was charged with murder because the DA found an "expert" who claimed the first shot was in the back of the neighbor but the jury was hung and the judge declared a mistrial

The land owner ended up pleading no contest to a lesser charge

It sure was an interesting case, and the only thing I am convinced about is that is the neighbor hadn't been such an entitled disrespecting punk, he most likely wouldn't have gotten himself killed
I dont know, I saw a dateline the other day where some guy bought a few tracks of land and closed the trails that were on there

A jerk move, perhaps but well within his rights

People kept trespassing so he put up gates and signs

One neighbor particularly kept vandalizing his property, trespassing (while armed, which makes it criminal trespass) AND recording the damage he did and bragging about it

The land owner filed charges which the DA dismissed as "civil matters"

One day the neighbor is out driving his 4 wheeler near the guys land again, sees the land owner and chases him

The land owner makes it across his fence and we'll, this is where things get blurry because the landowner was the only one left alive to tell the story

He was charged with murder because the DA found an "expert" who claimed the first shot was in the back of the neighbor but the jury was hung and the judge declared a mistrial

The land owner ended up pleading no contest to a lesser charge

It sure was an interesting case, and the only thing I am convinced about is that is the neighbor hadn't been such an entitled disrespecting punk, he most likely wouldn't have gotten himself killed

No body, no crime.
I have seen plenty
No trespassing violators will be shot. Repeated offenders will be shot again.
Where I grew up we had to walk past a sign about the same size on the way to the bus stop
This property
protected with a 30-06
Survivors Prosecuted
I’ve seen some funny ones. I call them people “end of the roaders”. They end up killing their neighbors like diymirage described. One sign said … will be subject to bad banjo music. Lol
There is a guy out here in the county who had a sign real similar in front of his salvage yard. Only on the very bottom it said "TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT". Several neighbors complained and the county made him remove it.
That would be even better if the sign also said..... "Survivors will be prosecuted."
I had just got home from work and witnesses knocked at the door. This guy was determined to spread the word and I told him politely I wasn't interested several times. So I tried to close the door and he stuck his foot in the way.
Just so happened I hadn't taken my steel toes off yet and nailed him right in the kneecap. I thought I heard him swear...nah couldn't be but he left limping
I had just got home from work and witnesses knocked at the door. This guy was determined to spread the word and I told him politely I wasn't interested several times. So I tried to close the door and he stuck his foot in the way.
Just so happened I hadn't taken my steel toes off yet and nailed him right in the kneecap. I thought I heard him swear...nah couldn't be but he left limping
Take a hint. I mean **** off and leave mean exactly that. It doesn’t mean ya I’ll stand here and listen to your bullpoopy. If I want to know I’ll find a Kingdom Hall somewhere.
Last JW's that came to our door, I asked the lead dude if they hadn't found 250K people yet? He said they had millions. I told him since they believe that only 250K people are going to heaven, they were wasting my time and theirs! I shut the door and they just looked at each other and left.
A friend of mine has a chalk outline of a body on his front porch floor with a fake blood stain, and JW pamphlets scattered on the porch floor!

A sign in our country was a mans silhouette with several large caliber holes in it . By it it said “Do you believe in life after death ? Hunt on this land and find out “.
The guy that put it up was crazy enough to make it believable.
Two things come to mind.
When someone like the witness showed up, or some salesman caught him in the garage or on the phone, and they wanted to know if they could talk to him., dad would reply, " yep go ahead. I get $1 a minute for listening. I'll say start you stop when you can't afford it anymore." They either turned around and left or hung up. his standard reply to someone asking directions was, "you can't get there from here."
On another note, John ran Triple Nickel, (Mopar salvage) outside Chambersburg. He had a helper who lived at the yard. John told of the night the helper caught two guys in there after hearing a noise. Course they didn't see him till he had a .45 stuck in one's nose. The helper had a REAL dark tan and unless he smiled in the dark, he was invisible. He asked them what they were doing, their reply was they were just looking for things they wanted to come back and buy tomorrow. They were arrested for trespassing.