Throttle Bracket Set-up...



Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, MI
Anyone got pics of their throttle set-up using a bracket like this on a small block? I've got one to go on my 670 Street Avenger and wanted to get some ideas on how some have hooked it up? Any tips appreciated, the stock throttle cable on my car doesnt seem like it fits right up...


Aw C'mon guys....26 views and nobody has a pic of their setup? I know some of you are running one of these brackets.
sorry i have never used that bracket. on mine i used a mopar -holley adapter piece and lenghtened the stock bracket (4 Speed trans)
but decided at the last minute to go with the lokar set up.My throttle cable was junk,and i have no kickdown to modify,so the lokar set up works good for me.I still have to put the lokar kickdown on.

fiberglass work 007.jpg
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I actually figured it out pretty quickly once I just sat and thought it through for a few minutes. It rocks! The adjustability on the return spring and cable sides are really nice.
Hey Beatnik,
Would you post a pic of both ends when you getter done.
Thanks!'s done just need to snap a pic. Should be able to tonight and I'll post it tomorrow morning...

Update: Didnt get a pic last night! Will try again today...