Ticking sound while engine running



Does anyone read this?
Aug 4, 2006
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First time posting a video here so hopefully it works.

I heard this ticking sound the other day while the engine was idling and hot. It's a 318 with about 40k on it. Any ideas what it might be?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMkFSjg8dk8&feature=youtu.be"]VID 20131219 00001 - YouTube[/ame]

Sound intermittent to me. Could be a lifter? How's your oil pressure?
Exhaust leak? Get yourself a scrap of hose, heater hose, fuel hose, etc, and probe around. If you can't find it, stick the hose down into the breather / filler hole on the valve covers
I agree with 273....I had a 69 Dart with headers....there was a small exhaust leak and it would sound like a lifter....bought a new set of gaskets and viola...tick went away....and yes mine was intermittent ...basically got noisier the warmer the car got...
Hate to say it...good sound but too dark to see anything in that vid....so could not tell if headers or stock....but even at that a stock exhaust can leak too...
Exhaust leak? Get yourself a scrap of hose, heater hose, fuel hose, etc, and probe around. If you can't find it, stick the hose down into the breather / filler hole on the valve covers

Good advice ^^^^^^^^^^^

Could be many things. Try to start slow with the basics before some of us have you building a stroker to put in it.....lol. :D

Seriously though, did you run it hard just before this happened? Springs, rockers, pushrods.

Also, is it running smoothly and just making the noise? Or is there a detectable miss as it's making the noise?

Main reason I didn't go right to a exhaust leak first, was that it's doing it hot, and sounded intermittent thru my headphones. Many of them i've seen were much worse cold, and actually quieted down as things warmed up.
Exhaust leak? Get yourself a scrap of hose, heater hose, fuel hose, etc, and probe around. If you can't find it, stick the hose down into the breather / filler hole on the valve covers
This. I have an exhaust leak and I thought it was a lifter at first
torque converter bolts backing out. hitting the transmission inspection cover.

Remove the cover and retorque them.
Thanks for the advice so far. It's got stock exhaust manifolds. Took the video on my blackberry and since the mic is on the front I had the camera pointed the other way but moved it around the engine.

Was just out for a cruise when I first heard it about a month ago stopped at a light. The weather hasn't been great here but I went out last night and heard the same noise again. It's running smoothly (no miss) and making the noise. It does sound somewhat intermittent. I have a longer video that I didn't post where I varied the RPM's but it was too loud to hear if it still made the noise.
This. I have an exhaust leak and I thought it was a lifter at first

What Pan Gasket and others have said. I had a broken stud at the back of my drivers side head causing an exhaust leak with stock manifolds.