Tiger Woods and wife



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
Reaction score
New Braunfels TX

Tiger and wife.jpg

My sister in law sent that to us in an email today. She said it was their Christmas card picture. LMAO.
I was going to post it but you beat me too it.

He must be a dumb a$$ for messing around on someone who looks like her.
Especially with golf clubs around and her knowing how to use them.

He's lucky she not a trap shooter.:-D
They asked Tiger when was the first time he beat his Dad, he was 11. They asked his wife the same same question, she said with a 3 iron from 2 1/2 feet :-D
Yeah, you really cant blame the guy though, If your wife was as ugly as that wouldn't you go elsewhere too ?? How do you spell jackass---- TIGER
Re-writing the pre-nup. She's going for the big $$$ to stay with the loser. I hope she takes all the $$$ she can get.

Reminds me of Mel Gibson. Another a-hole who couldn't keep it in his pants. His wife got a huge settlement.

If you're gonna go find some pie elsewhere :sign10:, it's best to to put an end to the first relationship. These low life big shots have absolutely no class.
