To get or not to get???



Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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NE Ohio
So I wake up the other day, which just happens to be my birthday. My wife gives me a card with a picture of a new R/T Hemi Charger in it. She says she has several waiting at a dealer, all I need to do is pick out a color.

The practical and conservative side of me says I don't actually need a car. But there is part of me that was recently reminded that life is short, and to enjoy everyday like it was your last, says to go ahead and get it.

What would you do?????
I have a 2007 Charger RT with the 5.7L Hemi in it.
It's really a great car!
It runs fantastic and is comfortable on a long trip.
I think you should get one.
Happy Birthday!
I'd ask her if I could wait for the new Hemi Challenger.

P.S. Can I have your wife? Mine would never even THINK of getting me a new car, let alone actually DOING it.
I say, go for it...You can always sell it later, if your practical side keeps nagging at you.
Not me. I wont list all my reasons.
I have bought one brand new car already. Cataloged with my one visit to a ***** house, one trip to jail, one wedding... been there done that.
Life is good but tooo short for making the same foolish mistakes over and over.
Nothing in your post indicates that you actually like these cars, which seems to me to be the most telling indicator of your true, innate thoughts on the matter. For me personally, Daimler slapping the Charger moniker on that 4-door KGB Staff Car was nothign short of blasphemous, so I know WHAT I WOULD DO. As for you, if the economic aspect is not really a consideration or concern, it would seem to simply come down to whether or not you have an affinity for these vehicles. If so, go for it, if not, get something else, wait for the new Chally, or do nothing at all.

Incidentally, my wife knows that I have a hankering to get another Road Runner, having owned one or more continuously since the fall of 1980 until about 5 years ago when I unloaded the '69 convertible. I linger around them at every show, and am generally just drawn to them like a magnet. She has recently begun to send me E-Bag pages whenever she stumbles across one she thinks I might like, but has made no actual offers of buying one for me. I think that I'll have to show her your post so she knows that she needs to pick up her game a little!!!

Happy belated birthday!
Happy belated birthday lawndart360!!

Make your self happy with a classic.:grin:
I would get it. If you guys can afford it. They have put out several limited edition models. Sublime and Plum Crazy. If it were me i would get one of those, just to set you apart from the rest.
I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY in my previous reply. We can never have tooo many of those :)
I say get it... but thats cuz I have one too....


I would say spend a little more and get a 68 charger or you could put a down payment on the 2008 challenger before they are all spoken for (the first year will be the hardest to get cuz they are releasing it 1/2 threw the year and they are only offering it with the 6.0l and a 6 speed manual trans then the next year they will do all the 6 cyl. and auto trans)
Well, if you don’t need a car and just want to have fun.
Spend the same money on a really nice 68 Charger.
The 68 will only probably go down in value with what is happening to our economy.
(My guess. Greenspan gives a recession a 33 percent chance. Others are not so optimistic for other areas.)
The new one definitely will depreciate.
This all depends on what the wife thinks.