Too poor for new paint, like me?


Raleigh Rocket

Shake 'n' Bake!
Oct 19, 2010
Reaction score
North Carolina
My financial situation at the moment doesn't allow me to spend any real amount of money on my car, so, like alot of Mopar guys, I do what I can with what I have.

If you're like me you're probably at least a little sceptical about those polish or wax commercials that show half the car looking like someone took a dump on half the hood and rubbed it in with a potato sack full of gravel, while the other half looks like it just rolled out of a paint booth. I figured I'd try Meguire's out, since it's the most expensive stuff at Advance Auto, and give you fellas a real-life look-see at the results from a guy who's not getting a check from the manufacturer.

The paint on my Valiant is solid and covers the metal, but it's dull, oxidized and feels rough. I washed and waxed it when I got it, but it didn't do much good. I went out and got some Meguire's rubbing compound (my paint is ROUGH, so depending on the condition of yours, you may only need polishing compound) and their high-dollar 2.0 techwax.

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Well, I followed the instructions on the label and this is what I got with $20 and a very tired arm.

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The pictures don't really do the results justice. Maybe if I had some of them fancy bright lights and a good photography setup, I could make it look like the ads. It really did make it look 100% better.

My only advice: get a buffer or something. I've got half the hood done and am not looking forward to doing the rest of the car by hand.
Hey Brother, It looks great!! Just do a panel at a time and you will git er'done before you know it!
i used a product like that before as well and did wonders on dull dry paint. Looks like it did good on yours as well. I think i used a clay bar stage then a final wax. But either way nice job
Looks good !

If you want to save yourself some time & effort -- and I'm sure that you do -- try washing the car with Ajax ( et al. ) prior to polishing and waxing .

Surly , the Ajax is messy as hell , but it sure beats having your arms and shoulders kill ya for a week afterward !

Just go to your local 99 cent store , Dollar store , etc. , etc. , and grab a few cans of Ajax ( or their brand of scouring powder ) and have at it ; wet the car's surface , sprinkle the scouring powder directly on the car's paint , and gently scour the oxidised crap away .

I first tried this very thing back in 1992 when I bought a '73 Duster ( Petty Blue ) which sat outside in the searing south-west Sun for 2 years .
The TB3 was so oxidised that it looked white !

After I scrubbed the **** out of the paint , I applied NuCar Finish ( or whatever it's called ) followed by a coat of Carnuba wax , and that paint looked damned good afterward .