Took it in the shorts three times in a month?

I know who a couple are by going thru his old posts and seeing who he helped this month. These asshats arent invisible if you know where to look.

Agreed, but I feel it is up to the OP whether or not it goes that far.
Otherwise we might make people hesitant to mention issue's they have with other members at all.
This is sad FABO - is a great community with a lot of support and I would hope that doesn't change because of a few thoughtless guys.
Oh I've sent things to a number of members this same way and most all of them send the postage and some send more. It's not about the money, I like to feel like I'm helping someone out. I too have sent parts and not asked for the postage. All someone has to do is ask, if I have it I'll send it. Black bomber said it best, it's a mater of "Personal Pride". This is a dieing trait in a lot of Americans now days. I usually ask for postage or a couple of bucks extra to test a members level of " Personal Pride" 66340sedan, yes I did get your money and this is usually the case. I've had members send me parts on the honor system and I have always paid promptly. I will keep everyone posted on weather or not they come through. I have so much of this little junk that I would like to see members use. The older I get this less I wanna deal with all the parts I have amassed. One of these days your going to see and ad by me for someone to come get all this stuff. I have a 48ft and a 28ft semi trailers full of parts and 3 utility sheds. and several parts cars. Thanks guys for your support.
Roy, I for one know what an outstanding member you are and am really sorry to hear that a few have taken advantage of that.
Pay to play folks or find a new game!
Roy, I for one know what an outstanding member you are and am really sorry to hear that a few have taken advantage of that.
Pay to play folks or find a new game!

Thanks for the kind words. That is all I expect, A word of thanks and for a member to do what they say.
Thanks for the kind words. That is all I expect, A word of thanks and for a member to do what they say.

Like Stan said you are and have been a outstanding member here and have
sent gifts my way and knowledge when I ask :cheers: Thank you for being the man you are bud :glasses7:
I know it is possible to loose a boot, but who knows now what the member needed it for. :-\" makes ya think don't it, and it would P.M.O. also .
Wow, just one would get under my skin.... But 3 :tongue9:
Like Stan said you are and have been a outstanding member here and have
sent gifts my way and knowledge when I ask :cheers: Thank you for being the man you are bud :glasses7:
I know it is possible to loose a boot, but who knows now what the member needed it for. :-\" makes ya think don't it, and it would P.M.O. also .
Wow, just one would get under my skin.... But 3 :tongue9:

Wow by the God father of FABO! I'm so humbled, Thanks
You know I guess it doesn't do me any good to try and help other members. All I ask for is postage. I mail out parts on the honor system in response to members needing small parts, usually nothing to big and ask for just postage in one case and 4.00 in another and 10.00 in a third case. Screwed 3 times this month alone! Oh well three more on the ignore list.

My grandpa had a saying

No tickie no washie.

In other words you pay before services are rendered or goods shipped.

That being said , most of the folks on here are honest, however if i sell parts, or even give something away and only ask for shipping reimbursement, i ask for the money first. Some people will say thats crappy, but I have also had people want parts and i box them up, take the time to get a shipping price , and never see payment. So i take a page from my grandfather no payment , no parts. Simple as that.

Just my .02
Hope this helps you out
My grandpa had a saying

No tickie no washie.

In other words you pay before services are rendered or goods shipped.

That being said , most of the folks on here are honest, however if i sell parts, or even give something away and only ask for shipping reimbursement, i ask for the money first. Some people will say thats crappy, but I have also had people want parts and i box them up, take the time to get a shipping price , and never see payment. So i take a page from my grandfather no payment , no parts. Simple as that.

Just my .02
Hope this helps you out
I agree 100%. These were small items that if I didn't get paid it wasn't going to hurt me. I just have to believe in the good of mankind and thus the only reason I usually ask for postage or a few bucks is for a character check. Hey most members I have done this with are stand up people. I'm not pissed just disappointed.
I know who a couple are by going thru his old posts and seeing who he helped this month. These asshats arent invisible if you know where to look.

I found one of them :glasses7: asked a question about a radio he had for sale and it took him 6 minutes to get back to me Pete :D
Yep, he knows to look in this thread and at least thank SGBARRACUDA and
save face here.... Not a word :wack: I say we need that poor member list that just don't give a chit except getting something for free from our giving members and take advantage of them ........................

Get a Rope Good one bguihan :D
This is a great thread Roy! I know that your good as far as the cash, but hopefully some "among" us will get the message. I just wonder where we are all gonna end up with a growing mindset that everyone owes us something. I refuse to be a taker, probably much to my detriment. I just hope all of us that take pride in being good hard working people don't end up in the poor house.
People think life owes them, we owe life. we must help and give ,not take,take take.
Man up!

this is a great thread roy! I know that your good as far as the cash, but hopefully some "among" us will get the message. I just wonder where we are all gonna end up with a growing mindset that everyone owes us something. I refuse to be a taker, probably much to my detriment. I just hope all of us that take pride in being good hard working people don't end up in the poor house.

Hey most members I have done this with are stand up people. I'm not pissed just disappointed.

I've sent members parts for free before and then sent a PM to ask if they've received them :wack: I feel your pain & disappointment........

I sent someone a package like 3 weeks ago & have not heard if they received it.......Oh, well :banghead:
I've sent members parts for free before and then sent a PM to ask if they've received them :wack: I feel your pain & disappointment........

I sent someone a package like 3 weeks ago & have not heard if they received it.......Oh, well :banghead:

Same here. When I never heard back I wondered if they even got it. In fact this has happened several times. I'd estimate the "thank you" counter at about 40%. Some people are just plain thoughtless
I've sent members parts for free before and then sent a PM to ask if they've received them :wack: I feel your pain & disappointment........

I sent someone a package like 3 weeks ago & have not heard if they received it.......Oh, well :banghead:

I know that is whack! The only way I know to single out those less than up right members is to put them on my ignore list. Because 6 months or a year down the road after I forgot about the deal, when I see they are on my ignore list I know they did something bad to me to be on the list!
Oh I've sent things to a number of members this same way and most all of them send the postage and some send more. It's not about the money, I like to feel like I'm helping someone out. I too have sent parts and not asked for the postage. All someone has to do is ask, if I have it I'll send it. Black bomber said it best, it's a mater of "Personal Pride". This is a dieing trait in a lot of Americans now days. I usually ask for postage or a couple of bucks extra to test a members level of " Personal Pride" 66340sedan, yes I did get your money and this is usually the case. I've had members send me parts on the honor system and I have always paid promptly. I will keep everyone posted on weather or not they come through. I have so much of this little junk that I would like to see members use. The older I get this less I wanna deal with all the parts I have amassed. One of these days your going to see and ad by me for someone to come get all this stuff. I have a 48ft and a 28ft semi trailers full of parts and 3 utility sheds. and several parts cars. Thanks guys for your support.

I wish I had of know this back in March when I was in Florida. I would of helped you clean out your trailers Roy.

I to have sent many free parts to people and most times I pay the shipping to. Some I have never heard from again. But it still doesn't get me to down about folks on the board. Most are good people.

Update I received payment from Nappa82 and to his defense the mail was post marked Thursday the 16th. So all is well with him and I. A renewal of faith for me in our members. The other two? I haven't heard from them yet.
I don't care if it is .50 Cents....... Dude's better cough it up to save their faces! It is the principal not the $$....... Really show's peoples character, WOW.
I've sent members parts for free before and then sent a PM to ask if they've received them :wack: I feel your pain & disappointment........

I sent someone a package like 3 weeks ago & have not heard if they received it.......Oh, well :banghead:

hey ifanyone thinks i owe them let me know ,thinking i'm good....

I did send you money

have you not received it yet?

and thank you for the pieces you sent me:angel8: