Tool List to bring with.



Scamp Tramp
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Dodge Iowa
Next weekend Im going to pick up a car. Its been sitting awhile. Its sort of a long drive. Going to trailer it home. So whats a list of things I should plan to take. Also the guy says the tires dont hold air well. Think I should get it up and let the air out of the tires before I tie it down?

This is what I got so far. What else might I need?

1.Chains and wench
2.Socket set and wrenches
3. Air Tank.
It sounds like the only thing you really need to be concerned about with the vehicle being picked up is that it can roll on its own. You may want to consider bringing a set (or at least a pair) of rollers that you know hold air for sure. You mentioned a winch. Are we talking about a full blown winch mounted to the trailer or is it a come-a-long? If the latter, I would really suggest bringing a good set of wheels/tires. Again, taking into consideration it needing to be a roller, and if the brakes are stuck, I may consider items such as a dead blow hammer/rubber mallet, some pry bars and a wisk broom to clean out all the crap that likes to lodge in between drums and internals.

I am assuming you all ready have your tie-downs but you may want to add duct tape, bailing wire, a jack, a jackstand, a star bar and bring a AAA card as well. Extra money, a good credit card, a cell phone, flash light (w/good batteries), first aid kit and food (cooler with cold drinks and ice) make the trip a little more comfortable.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to give the tow vehicle a thorough going over and replace any questionable hoses/belts, etc. and make sure that all of the fluids have been checked and are good to go. Bringing extra fluids (oil, trans, brake, coolant, etc.), fix-a-flat and a tire plug kit may not be a bad idea either.

That's it for me but I am sure others will chime in with other important items to consider.
i can't add much to the list that GTX [ut together for you but taking a friend or 2 with you might be a good idea OH YES if there is a seat or 2 not taken just fill them with some junk lol you don't want Murphy takeing up an empty seat lol but im sure he'll find a way to meet you there he always dose we all know who murphy is ( murphy law what can go wrong will go wrong) just be careful and check everything before you go GOOD LUCK
Come-Along or a Winch. Ramps for the trailer, extra wood for the bottom of the ramps in case the bottom of the car wants to the hit the trailer when you are loading it.

Last thing: POSITVE ATTITIUDE! Have fun.
Lots and lots of vice grips, pry bars, adjustable wrenches and hammers!!!!!!!!!!! THINK SAFETY!
Now you can't ask us about what to bring without first telling us what you're bringing back!!!

GTX had a really good list and I love the "EXTRA MONEY" he put in there.
hahahahaha i wouldnt take a WENCH....Id much rather have a nice respectable lady with me..and a WINCH.
Bringing back a scamp for southern Missouri. Plus some extra parts. I never even thought about some of that stuff thanks guys. Looks like theres a 73 or 74 duster next to the car. Ill get photos since the guy told me I could have that car too. But only 1 trailer.
Well from the very detailed photos ive seen there looks to be a bit of rust on the quarters and a few spots in the trunk. But nothing major.