Toolman Mike is old today!

Toolmanmike is old today. (yesterday) A day older today. LOL Thanks all for your Birthday wishes. Getting old ain't for sissies. I haven't told too many but I am going in for open heart surgery the 18th. of July. I have a noisy Mitral valve that can be repaired and possibly a restricted vessel or two requiring a bypass. They will repair both when they have me opened up. I am not concerned about the procedure. Mayo has done thousands per year. I am more concerned about the 6 months of healing after being split open for the operation. I'll get through it with many complaints and see you guys at next years car show circuit. Thanks for all the support. Mike
Tool Man
Late Happy Birthday and good luck next month at the Mayo. It was great to hang out wth you and the gang at Mopars in the Park.
Your're only getting old when you stop growing hair where you are supposed to, and start growing it where you're not.

Peace, Love and Rockin fast Mopars