Triple digits



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
Gramma made it! 100 years old on Monday. Very proud of her. She has good and bad days and sometimes sleeps the whole day off and on, but she has earned it. She said she misses Grampa(I do too) 25 years hes been gone this August.
She was "recognized" by a few officials. Sad that she is an a home but that isnt my decision unfortunately.
I love the old pic of Gramma/Grampa 80 years ago, just dating then lol









Congratulations Steve to Her & family ! Takes a long time to get to 100 !:lol:

Just think of all the history & changes in the world she has seen ! Better give her a big hug, gently ! Don't want to break her at this point.
awesome, tell her i said congratulations

i can only imagine what it would be to sit with her and hear her talk about the world she has seen
Grammas long term memory is amazing. I enjoy listening to her stories. She remembers as a real young kid in the back seat of the car, while her mom walked beside the car with her hand on the fender "guiding" the car in the fog by the river(BC). Grammas Dad was a logger and were following the river for trees/work. Incredible how many changes she has seen.
Thanks for the well wishes!:thumbsup:
she must have seen some gorgeous parts of the country, id imagine loggers would spend a lot of time near forrests

they way it has been explained to me is as follows

memories get laid down in layers
the older layers are on the bottom

as the winds of time blow on a persons mind, they sometimes blow away the top layers exposing the lower ones
that is why you may run into people at nursing homes who got to the country they are in as young children, but now revert back to their native tongues

my wife used to be a CNA in a nursing home and i would go in there and talk Dutch with some of the residents, it would totally make their day
I love to hear the stories of the people that actually worked and lived the life they were handed! These people are the foundations!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of the great ones!!!!
Steve, you are so lucky to still have her in your life. My parents more or less sucked. My maternal grandmother was a VERY BIG influence in my life. She's been gone for about 20 years now and I really miss her. Tell your Grandma that Mike from Kansas said Happy Birthday!