Triple disk clutch for 66 170 /6



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
Is it possible ? The way I understand its allot lighter and will give me a few more MPG and HP, Creed said he can even put a hydraulic assist like they use on strait line cars and circle track I have seen them on V8'es and they seem to be very strong. Does any of our members run one?

My clutch it still strong and doing a good job for me :happy10: Just looking to my next up grade
Thank you for ant info on this 8)
u smoking weed stock clutch well do every thing that170 can give it
u smoking weed stock clutch well do every thing that170 can give it
No, I just know that they are MUCH lighter and I can get rid of the heavy fly wheel bonehead...
Anything is possable if you throw enough money at it. Those little button clutches dont come cheap. I think on a street car would be way overkill and would be hard to drive or at least hard to get going. The stock 9" clutch is pretty light and will handle a stock or even a mild /6. An aluminum flywheel or a lightweight steel wheel would be just as effective but I dont anybody makes one that would fit an early /6.
Anything is possable if you throw enough money at it. Those little button clutches dont come cheap. I think on a street car would be way overkill and would be hard to drive or at least hard to get going. The stock 9" clutch is pretty light and will handle a stock or even a mild /6. An aluminum flywheel or a lightweight steel wheel would be just as effective but I dont anybody makes one that would fit an early /6.

Thank you daliant, That does make good sense :happy10: Thank you very much :happy10:
I looked at one and thought man that looks light 8)

Thank you for your help, Much mor informative then what I got from bonehead
One cheap and easy thing to do is have your stock flywheel lightened up some with a back cut. Sorry don't know much about slant clutches.

One thing though Mike is if you don't have a lot of down low power it may be a good thing to keep a little weight in that area. Don't know if you seen this thread or not but we talked about that some here.

Thank you Burtorange70 8) I was just thinking and wondered 8)
I see know I need to keep my stock clutch and flywheel for my daily driver.
More weight helps me on the stop and go traffic lights 8)
Thank you for your time bud :happy10:
No, I just know that they are MUCH lighter and I can get rid of the heavy fly wheel bonehead...

Oh did I just about fall off the chair howling after reading your reply Mike. I thought you were giving back a little whoopass after the snide comment. Then I realized the poster's name was bonehead..

Or maybe you were after all you devil you :)

I thought the same thing,never ever seen our MeMike giveout snarky remarks.Still got a good chuckle from it though.Thanks MeMike.
Oh did I just about fall off the chair howling after reading your reply Mike. I thought you were giving back a little whoopass after the snide comment. Then I realized the poster's name was bonehead..

Or maybe you were after all you devil you :)

as nice as I could :happy10:, Yep!! The :snakeman:came out in me

I thought the same thing,never ever seen our MeMike giveout snarky remarks.Still got a good chuckle from it though.Thanks MeMike.
Your welcome =P~ It felt good :happy10:
sorry mike you live in ark but for the life on me cant see any reason to take the low end tourqe out of a slant 6 170 unless its full race and most of the time those cluthes u lose drivibilty they are not as smoth as stock
sorry mike you live in ark

I love it in Arkansas :happy10:

That is what I have learned here bonehead, That's why I ask 8)
I seen a Tipple system on a work bench and could not believe how small they was and just plain did not know 8). I am not a tec so thats why I asked this question. and as you can see I got my answer :-D
sorry agian it was to be a ? i love it here to didnt mean to get your dander up i dont type that well and my language skill not that good have turn wreachs for 46 years and have skills on gas and diesel engines trans ,ect will try to help any one out ...................thanks bonehead
sorry agian it was to be a ? i love it here to didnt mean to get your dander up i dont type that well and my language skill not that good have turn wreachs for 46 years and have skills on gas and diesel engines trans ,ect will try to help any one out ...................thanks bonehead
I am sorry to, I don't have very much tec skills and my wrighting and reading is not the best :-D, Thank you and I am glad you are on board with us here :cheers:. It's great to have another Arkansas member with tec skills
Getting a lighter shaft will help your excel and mpg issues..

A lighter flywheel will help with the same issues.
Lighter wheels and tires will also help
you could built a 225 short block for $ in the triple diple dea.

aluminum fly wheel, cross drilled lightened crank, polished rods ....and a TURBO would save that 170