Truly Where the deer & antelope play



live free or die
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Weare,New Hampshire
Just thought I'd share what I'm seeing out the front window as we speak... This truly is where the deer and the antelope play... And there is around 100 antelope in the field next to the house.


Your right Devil,those are some chubby deer!Standing jerky(I,m sure that,s what Memike would say):toothy10:
You see the deer behind them under the pine tree too. These are all whitetails We usually have mule deer in the yard too but not tonight . Yes my freezer is full. Mostly Elk though.
Season must be closed? I see some horns on those pronghorns. Do they do this during season? Never killed one of those. I use to read Outdoor life as a kid and always read how difficult they were to kill then when i graduated from high school and headed for California i saw a bunch of em along side the highway. All i had to do was swerve to the right and i would knock off one. Are the antelope good to eat? When is season open? I take pretty good to invites...hint...hint. I can get free about season time if you catch my drift. I didn't invite myself to a hunt....I'm waiting on you..
Yes they are still in season.. Both deer and antelope. I don't care for the taste of them But they make good jerky.
Antelope is a fun hunt Bigger ones (14+ in.)are fewer between of course. Doe tags are cheap and fun. And yes they are here beside my house year round.
Might keep a hunt in mind... I know I'd sure trade for one.... maybe...

Season opens for deer and antelope around my house Oct.15.
I own my own truck and the Antalope look bigger this year!The come by the truckstops and I sometimes throw them some old bread,cheetos or apples!
As long as the freezer is full the animals would be safe by me.O:)
Thanks for sharing wyoduster.:-D They sure do look plump don't they daredevil .

I take that back,:drinkers: I can not tell you a lie, I would go to LOWES and bye another freezer :toothy10:

Nice pictures :cheers:
Get your gun sighted in Mike. I can see a road trip in our future about middle of October. Wyo said i couldn't come out without bringing a celebrity with me. That's where you come in. LOL
Antelope don't shed their horns like deer. I've got a 14 1/2" on the wall I shot on a self guided Montana hunt. My wife and I agree it is some of the best red meat we've eaten (haven't had Moose yet - heard it's the best?) Love that country - no tree stand 30 yard "ducks-in-barrel" shots out West, you need to know how to stalk and shoot! I'm ready to go back - trade for a good 'ol fashioned Florida hog hunt ?
I wanna know just ONE thing...............

WHICH one of you'se guys are gonna volunteer to dry-ice freeze some of those juicy steaks and send them to me, postage and expenses pre-paid of course, in the spirit of FABO holiday lip-smackin' unity and brotherhood ?

I wanna know just ONE thing...............

WHICH one of you'se guys are gonna volunteer to dry-ice freeze some of those juicy steaks and send them to me, postage and expenses pre-paid of course, in the spirit of FABO holiday lip-smackin' unity and brotherhood ?


I here ya Tom, We don't have Pheasant here, not unless you go to a game club that had them put there to hunt, And you got the shrimp thing going on
down there in Florida too.=P~

I know how tom feels :-D When it came time to leave Florida and head up to Michigan the Venison burgers sure was good when we stopped off at uncle Robert's home here in Arkansas.
.....................You're a real encouragement there Mike................

.............and how long would it take me to get to Uncle Robert's house ? :toothy10:

I'm goin' outside and set me an Armadillo trap......plentiful but pitious creature.

A steak knife and my BBQ and we're all set..........I'll just stare at that picture while I'm a chewin'. :toothy10:

(Not the Armadillo you drips........The DEER.............)

Don't know if your kiddin' or not Pastor, but if so I can tell you it's not bad at all, had some BBQ'd by a fellow at work last year and would have dished a plate full had he had it there ! Some joke and call it " "possum on the half shell ", but I've heard 'possum's nasty.
deer best in deep fat turkey cooker take like 1" cubes batter them up an dump them in. when they float there done oooh ya an some hushpuppys 6 pack of beer :toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:
Wow that sounds good.. Major snow storm today with 40-60 mph winds, so I don't believe I'll cook outside. We're have Bighorn Sheep steaks for supper tonight. They sure are good fried up with onions & mushrooms.. Now I'm hungry..