
Uh oh. The ignore list got bigger.
It's ok to forgive, but never ever forget. Trust can be rebuilt untill it's wrecked too many times.

Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice and it's my own darn fault.
it takes two to trust .....thats why the word "us" is in trust for those lucky enough to find a person to mutually trust in.
it takes two to trust .....thats why the word "us" is in trust for those lucky enough to find a person to mutually trust in.

Unfortunately. There's very few outside of family that I trust. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt once, but you screw that up and your all but f***ed if you ever need me after that...
Trust is something I don't put any thought towards whatsoever. I just do it. My distrust is also the same.
many of family has lost trust from me,i will forgive,i will forget,but i will not trust.... you must regain trust....most drop the ball on regaining trust.....i don't want to here you have to trust me i'm family....your just setting your self up to screwed again.
What do you do when the person that stomped all over your trust is the only person in your life that means anything to you?
Define ok.....If being pi**ed off, hurt and let down more than anything yep, things are great.....

hey man thats not cool...i dont care who you are ....if there is anything i or anyone else here can do to help you let me or them know.....and done!!!
Damn doug whats up man you need to vert let it go here or in a pm to me ether one is cool my friend
Define ok.....If being pi**ed off, hurt and let down more than anything yep, things are great.....

Then I would definitely say that's a no. Sorry to hear that. Sounds as though things are looking like the N end of a S bound skunk...
Rip my teeth out,break my legs, that is nothing compared to a broken Heart.
Do not go on it alone. All kinds of emotions happen now.

Keep a cool head, it could be a misunderstanding.

It is definitely a mis-understanding....and can be blamed directly on my broken chemistry set. I do my best, when it comes to the only family I have left, my wife, to live by simple rules. If I say I am going to do something, I do it. I say I am going to call, I call...and devote my attention to the conversation. All I ask is the same in return...and up to recently have gotten it. The problem arises when I don't. Part of being bi-polar is I am always at the 99% range when it comes to fight or flight. What a "healthy" individual views as just a minor hiccup in life I view as a reason to come out of the corner like a rabid dog in full attack mode.....or turn and run because, and this is something that I have just learned, most things are not worth fighting over. I honestly can sit here and see why, when my stress level was off the charts, so many people out and out hated me......
It is definitely a mis-understanding....and can be blamed directly on my broken chemistry set. I do my best, when it comes to the only family I have left, my wife, to live by simple rules. If I say I am going to do something, I do it. I say I am going to call, I call...and devote my attention to the conversation. All I ask is the same in return...and up to recently have gotten it. The problem arises when I don't. Part of being bi-polar is I am always at the 99% range when it comes to fight or flight. What a "healthy" individual views as just a minor hiccup in life I view as a reason to come out of the corner like a rabid dog in full attack mode.....or turn and run because, and this is something that I have just learned, most things are not worth fighting over. I honestly can sit here and see why, when my stress level was off the charts, so many people out and out hated me......
I cycle between manic and depressive stages several times a day and I TOTALLY understand what you are talking about man. My gf knows if I'm mad over something stupid to justlet it fly cause I probably don't mean it. I hope your wife understands the same.
I cycle between manic and depressive stages several times a day and I TOTALLY understand what you are talking about man. My gf knows if I'm mad over something stupid to justlet it fly cause I probably don't mean it. I hope your wife understands the same.

She claims she does. Understanding it and knowing what it truly means are 2 entirely different animals.

This is one of the reason I do my best to avoid any sort of serious friendships. And the irony of my one true friend is he is more or less the spitting image of me in a lot of ways.

I do realize that I look at life a bit differently than most. For me there is very little grey, everything is black & white. All I have ever asked, ever since all sh*t hit the fan years ago, is for a peaceful life. And knowing that I have these problems makes it very difficult at times. I really feel that my life was easier when I was just a raving Mad Man, spitting fire and nails at will, with no understanding of why. Because before I understood what is wrong with me I had no remorse for doing the things I did. I had no issue with jumping down my Ex's throat in public, and even less of a problem with jumping down some ones throat that tried to intervene. At times I wish I could be that cold hearted sob again........but I am fully aware that NOBODY would ever tolerate it.

We will get thru this. I am sure our upcoming conversation is going to get heated, because that is pretty much the only way things go for me when this sort of stuff happens. And heated conversations are pretty much useless for all involved. Which is a shame, because I feel that Ernie is my world. Some of the things are getting to me right now have been an ongoing issue. I have no one to blame but myself for not talking about them......communication has never been a strong point of mine.