Uh-Oh I Smell Trouble!!

AND, that starts a whole new question.
Does this mean whenever someone else farted I got moisture droplets???
So now tailgating even without being in a vehicle could be deadly???

“Silent But Deadly” might pack a 1-2 punch as now if the stench don’t getcha the virus in it will.
Pretty soon the 'x' perts will be asking if it can be spread over the internet.....you know, an "internet virus"
Hey Ole! Why you got dat dar lighter taped to da arse of your pants?

Oh! I read dis article bout how you can catch da virus by someones farts. Day say heat kills da virus. So I'm doin my part.
Effry time I got to fart I yust flick my BIC.
Only bad ting I ruin a lot of pants.