Up sh*t creek...

The plumbers have been and gone, and they got the sewer clear. They used a 100' power snake with a large cutter head, but it was a stubborn bugger. They took the cutter all the way out to the full length, which put it out in the middle of the street, pulled it all the way back in, and sent it back out one more time. The clog finally gave up and cleared completely at about the 50' to 60' mark this time. We had all the faucets in the house running, as well as the water line for the toilet running into the toilet's drain pipe (we pulled the toilet), and the water never raised up after it cleared. When they pulled the cutter head back up there were roots on it, as we suspected. So next year we get to drop a tree. YAY! CHAINSAWS!!! Thank you again to all who offered support and advice. It was definitely appreciated.

Glad to hear that the crap is flowing now.

It doesn't surprise me that they had to snake it more than once, it has been backed up and is full of solid waste that has been trapped since this started.

Depending on how deep your sewer line is, it could be something smaller than tree roots. There are many grasses that have a very deep root and they will get in a leaking sewer line. I would be doing some type of additive in the sewer line evey month to help prevent any root growth. http://www.houserepairtalk.com/f33/sewer-line-has-roots-backflow-3161/