Update - Quest for A-Body Full Floor


Joe Mc

No Car Like A MoPar!
Aug 13, 2008
Reaction score
Lords Valley, PA
A big THANKS goes out to 340sFastback for giving me the tip that AMD may start reproducing A-Body floors.

I contacted AMD @ [email protected] inquiring if there were plans to pop floors.

The short story of the replies between they and I are:
1 yes they are,
2 sometime in mid 09,
3 it's a full from the toe board to a few inches under the rear seat,
4 it will go into the factory seams
5 it's a full panel including the trans tunnel, rocker to rocker.
They expect the price to be around $429.
They may offer a split pan at a later date.

Just thought I'd share for those other folks out their with Freddie Flintsone A-Bodies like mine see signature "Proj Car".
Yeah, I had contacted them about two months ago. It's a shame that they can't get any out sooner, I really just want my floors in...it would make me feel so much better. Oh well I am getting my duster inside this weekend (hopefully) so in the mean time I can try to do some mechanical stuff. I am going to try to buy one the instant they come out :).
I asked if there was a list to get on so I could get one of the first available. Ha! I hear ya BA
I spoke to them a couple days ago. They are already showing pics of Qtr panels for 71-72 Road Runners too.
They are the first one out of the press that are good enough for a photo, but havent gotten test and fitment approval yet.
They expect them mid 09 also.
I guessing this A body floor is a test panel too.

"Waiting impatiently for more stuff to be released"
Wow, that is one good lookin' piece... that is EXACTLY what I need...I can't wait until they release it, once I get this I will be motivated to do stuff on my duster lol.
Also I checked out ABS (Auto Body Specialties) and they are making half sections, from rocker to the tunnel...I will probably be looking into those more since my tunnel is solid.
Got a hold of Auto body specialties today and they expect to have the pans out within 6 weeks! $179.00 ea for half pans and the same 430.00 for full.
Got a hold of Auto body specialties today and they expect to have the pans out within 6 weeks! $179.00 ea for half pans and the same 430.00 for full.

Can you drop me the website for ABS - tried searching too many hits to figure out which one is the one you mentioned.
Its like being in heaven

YES IT IS OEM STYLE 1/4'S FOR MY DART THIS IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:
Cool! A lot of these A-body cars rust out right under were the front seats go and no one was making replacement panels for this spot.
Cool! A lot of these A-body cars rust out right under were the front seats go and no one was making replacement panels for this spot.
Yeah that's an area on mine that started to go. I figure I will just wait until those come out, they will come out pretty soon. In the mean time I hope to get mine out of the weather and order the rear quarter patches. They should have come out with these full floors a long time ago...a lot of a bodies probably could have been saved.
They should have come out with these full floors a long time ago...a lot of a bodies probably could have been saved.

I agree, and am thankful that I've been able to keep mine in the garage since I bought it for the second time in 95, prior to that my buddy (I sold to him in 86) had it out side until 93. I originally bought it back in 78 or 9 and it mostly was in the garage when not being driven when I was in the Navy 80 - 85.

With only 40,400 miles I'm lucky to: 1-still have it/able to buy it back, 2-it survived my buddy owning it - probably cause he left it in So. Carolina when he relocated to Cali, 3-it's not as bad as it could've been rust wise and 4-it's getting closer to income tax return time so hope to get at least the floor done then tear the rest apart and see where I need to go from there.
It's been since January 09 that I've posted re: the floors. So an update - as little as it is - I received the full floor from AMD and haven't even as much rolled the car out of the garage. The full floor and the car both now call out to me ever time I go into the garage. So maybe this coming spring time I'll at least pull all the stuff stored all over the car off, roll it outside and attempt to start sizing things up. I'm needing an air compressor and mig welder before I do anything - thank goodness it's getting closer to tax time.
Looks like Christmas came early for Joey. Today I stopped to see one of my ol buddies I haven't seen in a while. He was showing me a new Miller Mig welder he just bought for his many projects, nice piece. Then he mentioned recalling that some time ago I said how I'd like to borrow the little 110v Craftsman mig welder he had. So, he asks if I was interested in buying the 110v unit, saying how he only used it maybe an hour if that. I asked how much, he said "ah, $75". This little mig welder is like "spankin new", it didn't take me more than a second to say "sure". EEEHaaawwww!!! - now maybe this spring I can actually get started and "DO" something with ol Dusty.
