Updated Prayers Needed

Thanks for all your prayers. Rob's mom and I truly appreciate them.

Update: Rob is pretty much the same. Still Critical. Still on a ventilator. Fighting a fever. They want to due surgery on his burns, but they say his body is not up to it.

We're hoping for the best but preparing for the worse. We're very faithful and know that his fate is in God's hands.
Prayers being sent for everybody involved here. God, please keep him in your healing hands, and those close to him in your healing arms!

Rob is still in critical condition in the Tampa General ICU Burn Unit. The plastic surgeon said his burns are healing well and if everything else was working well, he could go home in about a week.

But, his kidneys are not working. He's on a dialysis cycle of 10 hours on 10 hours off trying to kick start them. They are still keeping him sedated.

He has been off the ventilator some but they put him back on it. His lungs are still not good enough to stay off it full-time.

He is also running a 103* temperature.

We're all still praying that God's will be done. The docs all say it's going to be a long haul with very slow improvement.

Here's a photo before they removed the breathing tube and did a trachea for the ventilator.

So sorry to see this. Sending prayers from Kitty and I.

They had him up and in a chair for a few minutes today. And to think 2 weeks ago they gave him a 50/50 chance of survival. He's wearing a trachea collar. He's on and off the ventilator through the trachea collar.
God is Great!! Thanks for your prayers!!
Thanks Rusty, I know you and Kitty are going through a more serious situation and Susie and I are praying for you and your friend and his family.

Sometimes life sucks, but with God's help we'll come out better people.

We all carry loads differently. You have our continued prayers.
Well, Rob was released from the hospital on Friday. He's living with his mom and me until he's well enough to live on his own. Thank you all for your prayers!!! It's a miracle he made it this far. It's not all good though. His kidneys are still not working. He needs dialysis three times a week. There is still a chance they will recover, but it's not too likely. Time will tell.
