USS Fitzgerald

Why would the Navy say it would take up to a year to close the case? JHC, look a the black box of both ships. Dataloggers, whatever they use to document their movements. Were the course changed done by the bridge or by the GPS autopilot? 0130-0230 in the morning, do destroyers run with running lights? Look at the bridge of the Crystal, how far ahead can they see looking over those containers? Could they possible miss seeing the Fitz if it were running dark?[/QUOTE

There should be a ships log all activity course changes , anything in the ships movements and watch changes are loged.
Yes all Naval ships run lights. The only time I remember running dark was off the coast of Nam.
Making rank in the forces...Half my buddies in Marine 03 Infantry (Weapons Co. at that!) didnt make E4 in 4 clean yearss, while my Army friend made Spec 4 in 3. The Wing Commander of the famous "Dam Busters" heavy bomber unit in WWII was 24. I watched a video of that operation, guys flew heavy bombers at altitude of 30 feet to stay under Jerry radar, and one of the guys flew UNDER another! Thats what a gunner claimed in an recent interview. OK, back to 60,000 ton ships hitting each other at 15 knots in open water...