Valve adjustment card !!

Post #40. The dampener isn't marked for 8 [ or 4 ] position checking? Your kidding right?
Get a piece of news paper & cut a 1" wide strip about 24" long. Wrap it around the damp & mark where the paper overlaps. Cut it where you marked it. Fold the length in half. Line up one end of the paper with the mark on the damp & wrap around the damp. Mark the damp where the end of the paper is. That is your 180* mark for the 4 position method.
Fold the paper over again [ now 1/4 of it's original length ]. Proceed as above by lining up one end of the paper on the damp mark, going CW & marking the damp where the paper ends. Do the same again going in the CCW direction. You now have the 90* marks for the 8 position method.
The correct way for all , Very large rollers or mild flat tappet is this procedure below

Setting the exhaust lash > turn the motor until the intake is fully open when it just starts to close that is when you adjust the exhaust valve clearance.

Setting the intake lash> Turn the motor when the exhaust just starts to open that is when you set the Intake valve clearance.

That decal ? Peel it off and put it with your collection of DC parts.

still rolling it 7 times
Here’s the excerpts from the highly regarded Mopar Performance engine book explaining how to set the valves using either the 4-position or 8-position method, and charts.




