Vent Thread. Just might help.



Mar 27, 2006
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Every now and then when Bro comes to the house I will say " Hey bro I need to get something off my chest or vent just to fell better" We seem to both do this.
However! looking at some of the posts here I thought it would be a good Idea to start a vent thread for all the wonderful members.

I will start first.

I am sick and damn tired of working my *** of for a company that of late does not seem to give a sh_t!

15 years, going above and beyone the call of duty.

Don't get e wrong, I am gratefully to have a job!

It is really pushing my patience. I am a wreck over this all day.

And have the same dread when I wake up to go work everyday.

It feels like the movie Ground Hogs Day.

I am a very positive person but jeez, you can only handle so much.

I will hang in there. But have you ever had the thought that this is killing me?
And think it really is , slowly.

Ok. I don't feel that much better but I got it off my chest.

I am sick of parts coming laite I am sick of parts costing to much I am sick of the wrong parts coming in.i am sick of winter I now feel sicker than befor Thankssssssssssssss.
Im sick of winter, Im sick hearing about politics and the bad economy, Im sick of work being slow and not getting paid on time, Im of Michelle spending the little money we have on a 1 day event. I know weddings are important to women but its time to face the reality that its the last thing we should be spending money on right now.
I have to remind myself daily how lucky I am because it sure doesn't feel that way for the most part.

I have a good job that I don't like for the same reason as kutacando, no appreciation, constant change - but I do have a job which these days is better than a lot of people

I have major back and neck problems, 3 disc herniations, hurts to sit and I can only stand or walk for 5-10 minutes - but I can walk and the pain will go away again one day, that's a lot better than my friend in the wheelchair

I have Glaucoma - but we think it's treatable and that's alot better than those that have lost their sight

I lost about a gazillion dollars with the stock market crash - but I'm still in better shape than most

I still have side effects from cancer treatment - but I'm alive which few get to say

I swear every single day something else goes wrong - but not nearly as wrong as what has happened to so many other people, loosing jobs, loosing health, loosing loved ones

At the end of the day I'm one lucky guy, great wife, great kids, what else do I need
I agree about politics and spending money on something that has been turned into a racket that is not needed to get married, Love and support with our directions in life is all that is ask of each other. I got married in my fathers living room. less is more folks, Thank you AdamR you summed it up well.
I am mad that I can never seem to afford anything this year, there always seems to be some expense or repair needing done and getting ahead right now is tough. I love my job, everything is just taking it's time getting going this year and more snow coming isn't going to help.
you all hang in their.......Keep smiling it will come around sometime...anybody want to go to the bar...i will meet you there
Im sick of winter, Im sick hearing about politics and the bad economy, Im sick of work being slow and not getting paid on time, Im of Michelle spending the little money we have on a 1 day event. I know weddings are important to women but its time to face the reality that its the last thing we should be spending money on right now.

Im sick of winter, Im sick hearing about politics and the bad economy (especially on FABO!!!), Im sick of work being slow, Im sick of NIKKI spending the little money we have on a 1 day event (not counting the week before the wedding that people are staying with us!). I know weddings are important to women but its time to face the reality that its the last thing we should be spending money on right now. :-D


Is it just me or did the price of bearings and seals jump 4 times what they used to be?!?!?!

- Rear wheel bearings for a 7 1/4 $41.00 ? (Thank god for ebay Igot them for $7 each)

- Pinion bearing for a 7 1/4 $19.00!!!

- Pinion seal $16.00ea!!!

- Wheel bearing seals $21.00ea!!!

What the hell happened to $4.00 bearings and $2.00 seals? I know it's inflation but give me a Fing break!!!!

I need to either get stupid ***, pass out, where the F am I drunk or get in a good fight because a lot of stupid stuff has been pissing me off lately.
I'm pissed that I got laid off after working 10-13 hour days all summer long and being miserable. The ones who make the most money and work the hardest alway's get laid off. It sucks. But, I decided the day after getting laid off that it was time to stop painting and start something new. So I just started school. I'm going to school for my associates degree in IT/web design. I figured I could sit on my *** and make some money. Anyway, I hate when I cant afford stuff for my car. I've spent a lot of money already and I dont have everything yet. Real close though. I guess It is down to the rest of the parts to do my V8 swap. Otherwise my car is doing great. The /6 runs great. I guess I should be more grateful actually. OK. I'm pissed because I cant spend 8-10 hours a day working on my car. I have my carpet,headliner, int.panels,seats,ect. All ready to be put in. I just ran out of int. paint. I need to buy more and I ran out of money. As soon as I get more paint I'll be back in bussiness.
They got more expensive!!!! I was going to order some and actually didn't because of how much money they cost. I figured I'd replace them when I'm doing my brakes this weekend. But, I didn't get them. 360scamp, you should go out and get all drunk. And see where the night takes you. A good night of that will usually put me in the right mind frame.
when things are going really waiting for, what the f#*k is next..somethings gonna happen.......and it does.........when things are much worse can it get????.....alot......
Im sick of winter, Im sick hearing about politics and the bad economy (especially on FABO!!!), Im sick of work being slow, Im sick of NIKKI spending the little money we have on a 1 day event (not counting the week before the wedding that people are staying with us!). I know weddings are important to women but its time to face the reality that its the last thing we should be spending money on right now. :-D

Its a shame your on the other side of the country. Imagine the double bachelor party. Eggo burgers and beer for everyone.
We decided to do a coed bachelor party because we don't care about strippers and we would have more fun with everyone taking over a bar in Seattle.
I'm sick of socialism! I'm tired of supporting every lazy 20 year old with a face full of piercings and $2000 worth of tattoos. When I built houses for a living I would offer people begging for money a job starting monday morning. I never had one take me up on my offer. They all wanted to be "independent". Doesn't that you support yourself? I have no issue helping those who are hard up or can't work but just because you want to smoke dope and sit on the couch all dam day doesn't me I should pay for it. Just because you are too lazy or stupid to use birth control doesn't mean I should raise your kids for you either. Only in Canada do we people extra money every month because they have a dog.


I'm done.

I won't list personal things but the last three weeks have been the toughest I (and family)have had to endure for a good many years. I 'm fearful that if anything else bad happens I may just curl up in the corner and wait for the boys in the white jackets to come and take me away. Spring can't come fast enough, daylight and new beginnings.
Sorry, that was more of a whine than a rant.
:wave: :D

Don't throw all pierced and tatted people in the lazy pile, not all of us smoke the dumb dumb either:D

I only have issue with the ones on welfare that are too lazy to work. To each his own. It all comes back to the rule of law, you can do what ever you like as long as it doesn't encroach on the rights of others. I could care less what people do to them selves but I don't want to have to support them because of those choices. I have tattoos as well but not where it will create issues with employment. Didn't mean to offend anyone LOL
I,ve boxed and driven to UPS store to weigh parts after a deal has been reached,and then never hear from the person again,even after numerous attempts to contact!F%&king jerks wasteing my time and gas for squat!People abusing the Welfare system,they should have to take a piss test before they recieve assistance,and if they fail?To bad,eat s%*t and die!

I feel better already!

P.S Auto Industry Bail-out Money??It, a loan that gets paid back with interest!The media gives the perseption that they are giving money away!
I know all the feelings on here all to well. I will post them at a later date. Some of them I cant talk about right now.
I'm sick and tired of working for cheap corporate no-nothings who try to tell me how to sell their overpriced crap! they seem to think you can go get some dumbass who knows nothing about cars, put them behind a counter and have a sucessful auto store! WTF! i'm sick of the greedy corporate type outsourcing AMERICAN jobs so they can have even more millions! how about this leach on society OCTO-MOM or whatever the hell they call her! now all of a sudden she is rich! I say take all her money and make her pay back the american people whos money she lived off of and sew her legs shut at the knees! DONE.
I'm sick of seein' all my buds on FABO gettin' hammered with the lousy, cold, wet, icy weather that they've had all winter......Al Gore's a pinhead.....

I lived in Central NY 'til I was 50, so I know a little about it............but this year's been miserable.............I want you guys to see some sunshine now and get some warm air...........I want you to get the cars out and take a nice cruise around your towns and relax...........

Take a deep breath guys...........Spring is gonna spring shortly!
I'm sick of at the age of 59 watching my retirement tank in the market my employer put it in and because I'm not 59 1/2 I can't do a damn thing with it but watch it go away.
I'm sick of after 35 years of marriage, being told constantly I'm just a pay check and if I want to get rid of her, I would still be working for her any way (she's right) but with out the fringe benifits. For you guys just getting married, believe me after 35 years , you won't be looking at it as a fringe benifit any more.
Thank God I have my car to work on, ever notice how buying something for your car makes you feel better?

Well thanks, I feel better!
I,ve boxed and driven to UPS store to weigh parts after a deal has been reached,and then never hear from the person again,even after numerous attempts to contact!F%&king jerks wasteing my time and gas for squat!

People on this site that don't reply when PM'd. I think that's rude and inconsiderate. At least a reply with "F you" would be better than nothing.