Veterans Day 2013 at the National Mall



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Aug 22, 2008
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To get to the Memorials you walk past the Washington Monument, undergoing repairs from the earthquake. That ancient tree caught my eye, with the Potomac in the background. As I went to take the photo, a veteran who had lost his legs was coming down the sidewalk in his electric wheelchair, which was decorated with flags. He was by himself. I got a sudden reminder of the reality of our veterans sacrifices.


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As I turned towards the WWII Memorial I could barely see the tops of some flags being carried, it was a procession so I hurried to see what was going on.

Taps was being played, people saluted and you could see them wiping away tears. The veteran you see in the wheelchair stood for photos with others.

I spoke to another veteran who educated me.....there wasn't going to be a WWII Memorial because the G.I. Bill was intended to be a living memorial for those who served.


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Next the procession continued towards the end of the reflecting pool and to the left, to the Korean War Memorial. Again we heard the lonesome sound of taps. The wall is highly polished, it has shadowy impressions of soldiers in the granite and it reflects the statues and people as well.


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It was a beautiful, sunny, mild afternoon. I asked a guide about a sculpture I remembered, of nurses helping the wounded. Just then a lady said she was looking for it was part of the Vietnam Memorial so we walked there together ahead of the procession and chatted til we got to the wall and it became too crowded. Here the veterans were very emotional in their brotherhood with each other and some were wiping away tears.

It was the ten year anniversary of the Women's Memorial, nurses were sharing their living histories of caring for the wounded. I could only handle hearing one of these. This particular nurse's stories had the crowd in tears but a minute later she had us laughing. Nothing I'll ever go through compares to what these young people saw in Vietnam. She expressed bitterness at the treatment of the returning soldiers.


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It was good to see that a large number of people came. But it also showed that we could recognize our military people at lot more, day to day. I walked with another lady back to the WWII Memorial and took one last picture of the fountains lit up by the afternoon sun. There were some veterans riding on the Metro whom I was able to say Thank You to. But again, we should thank them more than we do.

I knew there had to be an old Mopar around...and heading back to the airport I managed to get my camera out fast enough to catch this Dart!

Thank you Veterans.


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Thanks for sharing...great pictures. I was on a Southwest airplane Veteran's day. Flight attendants had a card for folks to thank a vet IF they wanted to take the time to write a personal message. Ran out of cards quickly! Was nice to see folks who appreciate those who serve.
What a special day you had David! I was at DC 15-16 years ago, me and my friend seen the museums and monuments but didn't see the war memorials, I can't believe we missed them but only had a day to visit so we ran through it all. I hope to go back someday and when I do I will set aside time to see all of them. Glad you had a fun trip and thanks for the stories and pictures!