Video Obama does not want you to see.

Its your country and far be it for me to tell you how to vote but let me provide you with some insight into left wing politics and share my Canadian perspective. I’m sure 30 other Canucks will chime in and call me names but In my opinion beware of the LEFT. We have had two decades of left wing governments in the republic of Canada. My federal income tax is 38% of my gross income. I pay $5.50 a gallon for gas and $1.92 of that is taxes. 7.5 billion dollars of my provinces GDP was the production of marijuana. It was the number three industry in British Columbia. There are 8,000 drug addicts in Vancouver's downtown east side who are legally allowed to inject ****** through needles supplied by the taxpayers in a government centre with supervision by medical staff paid for buy by the taxpayer. The police are forbidden to enter the building. Half of the tax revenue goes to our universal health care much less than you pay for insurance. We are brining Mexicans up to pick fruit because we are paying able bodied Canadians welfare if they don’t feel like working. Having said all the your left wing party is further right than our right wing party .... yikes

I forgot to mention the 9,00,000 Left wing government tattoo program we paid for so prisoners could have nice looking tattoos for free. God forbid a rapist have an unsightly home made tattoo. Beware the left!
my father in law says pull that rep. UNION PROUD co-workers say pull that dem. lever. the way they both look..i think i'll stay home and pull my own lever!!!
my father in law says pull that rep. UNION PROUD co-workers say pull that dem. lever. the way they both look..i think i'll stay home and pull my own lever!!!

HA HA HA HA HA HA!:-D:cheers::toothy10:

That is funny!

That is the truth if it has ever been told!
What you boys have is the worst congress :bootysha:and senate in the history of the united states. They are bought and paid for ( off shore accounts established by lobbiest). Their children and grandchildren will live like kings and we are their slaves. Stock pile food and wait for the revolution. This grand theft of the people is coming to an end. Lord Have Mercy ON US All. Are there no patriots left? Only 6% of the men rose up in the american revolution, so maybe we still have HOPE!!!!!!!!! :angry7:

Forgot to add that thanks to the orchistrated gas prices up so high, we country folks will be burning wood this winter and cutting many trees down to keep our families warm. Sorry to pollute so much but I'm not buying their over priced fuel oil.